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Food Waste Friday!

It’s time to march out the photos of the food you wasted this week. I’ll go first, of course.

I’m sorry…I am really not making this a warm and welcoming place to post your food waste, am I? 😉
Next week should be better(or worse, more accurately!), as I have plans to clean out the freezer above my fridge. Remember my messy fridge pictures? I’ve gotten the clean fridge thing down pretty well now, but my freezer is still abysmal. I have no doubt that there are some things in there that cannot be salvaged, so they’re going to end up in my food waste photo for next week.

I almost put a piece of pizza into my photo this week, but I decided that I would just eat it for lunch tomorrow. I didn’t want a little piece of pizza to ruin my no-waste week!

(Update: with the help of Zoe, my two year old, the pizza has been eaten! I really wanted to eat tortilla soup instead, but I dutifully heated up the pizza, and I am very pleased that it’s gone.)

So, how did you do this week? Link me up, and I’ll cheer you on.

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    Mrs Green

    Saturday 22nd of November 2008

    I'm afraid I have tagged you:

    You have to share 6 interesting things about yourself and then tag six of your blogging friends :)


    Friday 21st of November 2008

    I'm not going to let your great week of no wasted food influence my post with *my* food waste, haha. This was my first picture, but it wasn't as painful as I thought!


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