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Food Waste Friday |

Every week, I post a picture of the food that has gone bad over the last seven days. Why do I do this? Because in March of 2008, I finally got fed up with the amount of food I was wasting, and I thought that showing my waste to other people would motivate me to use up my food instead of wasting it. Because this often embarrassing practice was so helpful for me, I invited other bloggers to join me in posting their food waste photos, and Food Waste Friday was born.

I haven’t had the most fabulous week in the world, so my brain is too fried to come up with a lovely post title. Someone ran into my van while it was parked, which shattered the back window and dented the lift gate to the point where I will need a new one. I’ve spent a lot of time this week dealing with insurance mess, and I am now driving a rental van which is vastly inferior to my van. I mean, um, it’s helping me to really appreciate the van that I usually drive. Yes. That’s the cheerful thing I meant to say.

(I may have had some major crabbiness about this since it happened. Ahem. Usually I am awesome at finding the bright side, but it’s been kind of hiding from me this week.)

So, let’s try this: the good news is that no one was hurt and insurance is going to fix my van and hopefully it will be as good as new.

And when I get it back, I will hug it and kiss it and try never to take it for granted again.

Composted this week:

a bad avocado (so sad!)


two squishy kiwis (which, I promise you, were far more disgusting than they look in this photo) and about one cup of tomato sauce.


We ate four other kiwis yesterday, though, and I have two good avocados that I promise I will eat before they go bad.

Oh, and remember how I said you could just the busyness of my week by whether or not I had to make banana muffins?

Yeah. I had to make a double batch yesterday. =P


How did you do this week? If you blogged about your food waste, link us up by entering your info into the widget below. You’ll save money, reduce your trash output, and get a little publicity for your blog! And if you don’t blog, you can still share about your food waste by leaving a comment.

Those of you who participate in Food Waste Friday can grab a button to perk up your posts. If you copy and paste the following code into your Food Waste Friday post, this little graphic will appear.


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    Friday 25th of October 2013

    When I have a cucumber on its last leg, I cut off the bad parts and run the rest through a blender with a can of spicy diced tomatoes to make some refreshing salsa. I also keep dill pickle packets on hand...I'll slice the cucumber into wedges and cook up a quick batch of yummy pickles that don't last more than a couple of days in my house.

    I've also resorted to using my vacuum storage machine to vac store my leftover meats in individual portions and putting them in the freezer. I resorted to this because I noticed my husband and kiddos would pull egg rolls or pizza bites out of the freezer and nuke them before they'd ever consider eating leftovers out of the refrigerator. Now I've forced them to eat our leftovers (without them know it..) by taking our leftover steak or chicken and turning it into quesadillas that I freeze in individual portions. I even label the packages for them.

    Now when they open the freezer they see a quesadilla that just needs to be taken out of the package and nuked...just like they would a frozen dinner. Keeps me from wasting money on those sodium filled frozen dinners/snacks' gets my leftovers eaten. That's a win win to me!


    Wednesday 18th of September 2013

    Sorry to hear about your van. :( Nice job finding the bright side!

    I have a food waste story that makes me cringe to think about it. On Friday I made a double recipe of a taco casserole to save time later. I took one casserole out of the oven to serve it, and somehow the other one was left in the oven . . . overnight. I thought my husband put it in the fridge, he didn't think of it, and since the casserole contained not only ground beef but also mayonnaise (recipe called for that, and since hubby can't have sour cream I went with it--actually pretty good!) I had to toss it when I discovered it the next morning. Ugh, that was painful.

    Mrs. R

    Wednesday 18th of September 2013

    I'm sorry you've had to deal with "owies" on your van...but I love the way you write---AND that you always try to find the bright side!


    Wednesday 18th of September 2013

    Thank you!


    Sunday 15th of September 2013

    My sympathy for the van incident...glad that with the benefit of a bit of time you're able to see the bright side...Monitoring the food waste situation closely went under here too the last couple of weeks, but we haven't done too badly.

    Helen - myliladventures

    Saturday 14th of September 2013

    I've wasted a lot this week. Mostly b/c I wasn't paying attention. It was also one of those weeks where I just didn't care to cook and let dad take over only to discover that he pushed everything to the back of the fridge to die while keeping his cooking and leftovers up front to be seen first. Hrmph!

    I'll be back on the ball for this upcoming week thats for sure!

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