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Food Waste Friday-2.20


I had a not-so-good week this week. Sigh. It’s not nearly as bad as it used to be before I started working on this no-food-waste thing, but it’s certainly not my most impressive week.

On the left is the remains of some iceberg lettuce. I did use almost the whole head, and what’s left is just the white part around the core, so I don’t feel too bad about this. It’s not like iceberg is particularly nutritious anyways…I’d be more upset if I’d wasted the spinach! I don’t even usually buy iceberg, but I think I’d gotten this for tacos or something similar.

Then there is a lone piece of pizza from last week, a bit of salad dressing(I’m not positive it’s bad, but I’m also not positive it’s still good, so I’m erring on the side of caution). The beans are also something I’m not sure about…I can’t for the life of me remember when I opened the can. I did use up the lion’s share of them, but I wish I’d managed to eat them all.

My fridge is looking much better now, and I’m optimistic about my chances for a no-waste report next Friday. 🙂


How did you do? If you blogged about your food waste this week, use the Mr. Linky widget below to share your post with us! Don’t forget to leave a direct link to your food waste post, so we won’t have to spend time poking around your blog searching for the right post.

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    The Frugal Girl » Food Waste Friday-2.27

    Friday 27th of February 2009

    [...] week is a definite improvement over my dismal photo from last week…it’s just two slices of stromboli. I sent four of these to work with my [...]


    Friday 20th of February 2009

    I had my first ever no-waste week! Hooray! And in the post I've linked to I also talked about an interesting bit of history - how ancient societies avoided waste around this time of year by making pancakes! I wrote about how I will be making your whole-wheat pancakes on Mardi Gras. :)

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