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Food Waste Friday

I’m sorry this is late going up(actually, all my posts this week have been up sort of late. It’s been that kind of week!).

This is sort of a deja vu of last week, because I didn’t waste anything again. Woot! I’m still not feeling particularly big-headed about it, though, because of my laundry-basket of waste from two weeks ago.


How did you do? If you blogged about your food waste this week, use the Mr. Linky widget below to share your post with us! Remember to leave a direct link to your food waste post, so we won’t have to spend time poking around your blog searching for the right post.

And don’t forget that participating in the Food Waste Mr. Linky will get you a spot on my blogroll for a week. 😀

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    Monday 27th of April 2009

    Still not a no waste week :( But like others have said I am more conscious of what we waste. I have found this really helps me when I am at the grocery store and feel the urge to get things that are not on my list.


    Sunday 26th of April 2009

    I had a super sad week. While I'm not doing the whole no-food-waste challenge, I have become a lot more conscious of what I throw out (or not!).

    But here lies my problem. When I have nice stuff around, I want to savour it and make it last as long as possible - I go all stingy about it and ration people and stuff. So last Thursday (a week and a bit ago) a friend and I made this *divine* grape juice with grapes from her vine. And I bring some home and seriously ration it out. A whole 3 liters of it. Only to open it one morning and to discover that instead of grape juice, I had about a liter of fizzy grape vinegar in the fridge. I was so gutted after all the hard work of making it, and then trying to 'save' it! I looked online, but where was I going to find a recipe that has an ingredient like fermented home-made grape juice? hehe

    I often do this - special cheeses, nice baking, etc. Do I just need to live in the moment a bit more and eat good things quickly?! :-)


    Saturday 25th of April 2009

    It's going to be "every man for himself" night tonight for dinner because we have 2 taco shells, some leftover "pretend" hamburger (soy) taco filling, and rice/veggie stir fry leftovers. We just splurged on a sushi lunch so those leftovers need to be consumed! And they will be. Darn it, why is there never a problem such as leftover chocolate cake???

    Kristin @ klingtocash

    Saturday 25th of April 2009

    Grats on no food waste two weeks in a row. I had some lettuce that was about to come alive that I threw out and some leftovers from a steak dinner we had at a restaurant that we brought home to feed the cats. They got some of the steak and then we forgot about the rest.

    Mrs Green

    Saturday 25th of April 2009

    Well done on another great week, Kristen. My food waste wasn't too bad - but the birds did well out of the cake and bread leftovers! Salad is one of our most challenging items.

    So glad you made pie, Stacey - we have a tiny bit of minced beef left over and I know I'll be able to bulk it out with oats, lentils and tomatoes and make a type of mousakka dish for lunch today.

    Angela, it's really interesting about the use-by vs best-before dates as many people think they mean the same. Good luck for next week's challenge!

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