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Food Waste Friday-5.8


These darn greens keep getting me! Last week it was a bit of lettuce and this week it’s a bit of spinach. It really truly is only a bit(I got up close with my camera, so it looks like more than it is!). The spinach doesn’t look terrible, but there is a funky smell coming off of it, and I don’t think I’m brave enough to eat it.

I got a bit behind with eating the spinach this week(I had to hastily deal with almost a whole bag), so I’m actually sort of pleased that I only wasted this tiny bit…it could have been much worse!

How did you do? If you blogged about your food waste this week, use the Mr. Linky widget below to share your post with us! Remember to leave a direct link to your food waste post, so we won’t have to spend time poking around your blog searching for the right post.

And don’t forget that participating in the Food Waste Mr. Linky will get you a spot on my blogroll for a week. 😀

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    Institutional Waste: The English Department Buffet Lunch | Frugalista Japan

    Sunday 5th of July 2009

    [...] to Food Waste Friday @ FrugalGirl. Frugal Girl is one of my inspirations for starting this site, so do please go check her out. [...]


    Thursday 25th of June 2009

    I use to think my mother was crazy, but have since picked up on her technique for drying lettuce. I have a small kitchen and refrain from purchasing anything else to store (such as a salad spinner). I would find my mother in the center of the kitchen, with a head of lettuce in a plastic bag at arms length. She would spin the bag vigorously in circles forcing the water into the bottom of the bag. She would then cut a tiny corner off of the bottom of the bag and drain out all of the liquid. A fresh, clean kitchen towel placed insided absorbed the remaining moisture.


    Tuesday 12th of May 2009

    Bring it over, the chickens will love it!


    Saturday 9th of May 2009

    Hey there, long time lurker but submitted something this time. Sorry there's no pictures of the actual waste, but I did snap a shot of what I managed to save from our shockingly wasteful freshman seminar buffet.

    I wanted to make the point that while all of us doing our best to not waste at home, it's only a tiny slice of the pie compared to the waste that goes on inside institutions and companies.

    Keep up the good writing, and congrats on being an inspiration for many!

    Wasting Less Food — It's Frugal Being Green

    Friday 8th of May 2009

    [...] Eco Blog Carnival Vol 46. Shared in Fight Back Friday. Shared in Kitchen Tip Tuesdays. Shared in Food Waste Friday. Share and [...]

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