For the first time in what seems like forever, I have no food waste. Yay! So, this is a boring post but I’m thrilled about it!

Just so that this post has a picture! This is Mandarin Chicken Salad.
How did you do? If you blogged about your food waste, leave a link to that post in the comments. If you do, you’ll get a spot on my food waste blogroll for the coming week. And of course, blogging about your food waste will help you stop wasting food, which will save you some cold, hard cash. As if that wasn’t motivating enough, reducing your food waste is good for the planet.
So, come join us…public humiliation is a very effective motivator. 😉
Monday 15th of June 2009
Love you blog. This is my first week of tracking food waste. It is pretty bad, but can only get better.
You are my inspiration!
Sunday 14th of June 2009
I am feeling better, thank you. Today I started a Big Cook so I'd have tasty, healthy food that's readily eatable. It's just too easy to eat chips instead of turning frozen chicken and mushrooms into dinner. I made or prepped: - Red Cooked Tofu (this version simmers the tofu in oyster sauce as well as soy sauce); - Teriyaki Beef & Veggies (home-made teriyaki sauce!); - Chinese Beef & Broccoli; - Jazzed-up Brown Rice (based on brown rice & black beans) (I'm thinking about calling this moros y mulattos); and - Chinese Tofu Omlet (tofu, eggs, mushroom, bacon).
The best part is ... I didn't buy A SINGLE THING to make all of this. It doesn't redeem me from the Friday Waste Fiasco but now I feel a little better.
Saturday 13th of June 2009
@WilliamB I hope you are feeling better now, William. I've done the honey-tea thing for dinner too. Your comment reminded me of something my son said the other day: our power always went off the day after we just went to the store and stocked up in the fridge and freezer! (We lived in a place that gets a lot of windstorms in the winter.) And having to throw out things so recently fresh and delicious is so painful. We will be moving back to that town before this coming fall/winter, and I'm thinking a generator would be a prudent purchase!
Saturday 13th of June 2009
I did so much better this week than the previous two weeks.
I even managed to use up all the crazy zucchini I had in my fridge by turning the big one into hummus. Delicious!
Mrs Green
Saturday 13th of June 2009
Yay! no food waste for us either, thanks to Little miss Green who ate up some COLD baked beans on toast for her lunch (left over from breakfast). What a girl!
Here is our post:
well done everyone - sounds like a lot of us managed zero food waste this week :)