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Food Waste Friday | I almost used the whole bunch…

Every week, I post a picture of the food that has gone bad over the last seven days. Why do I do this? Because in March of 2008, I finally got fed up with the amount of food I was wasting, and I thought that showing my waste to other people would motivate me to use up my food instead of wasting it. Because this often embarrassing practice was so helpful for me, I invited other bloggers to join me in posting their food waste photos, and Food Waste Friday was born.

The last little bit of cilantro got wilty on me, though.

And a lone piece of leftover fish sat in the fridge for too long. Fish is hard to eat leftover, it seems. I do try to cook just what we’ll eat in one meal, but you know, when you’re feeding six people, it’s a little tricky to predict exactly how much to make.

Let’s see…I also found a bad tomato and a rotten potato, but the rotten potato smelled so bad, it took a “Do not pass Go, do not collect $200.” sort of trip to the compost bin.

So, there’s no photo.

Rotten potatoes seriously have to be one of the stinkiest foods around.

The rotten potato has a few wrinkly friends, so I need to get on the stick and use those up. Heaven knows I don’t want another rotten potato in my kitchen!

The happy news for this week is that everything except the fish can be composted. I’m never thrilled about food waste, but when it can be turned into dirt, that’s a little relieving.

How did you do this week? If you blogged about your food waste, link us up by entering your info into the widget below. You’ll save money, reduce your trash output, and get a little publicity for your blog! And if you don’t blog, you can still share about your food waste by leaving a comment.

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    Thursday 7th of February 2013

    I acutally make leftover fish on purpooose for my husband's lunch. I fix salad with greens and whatever else is lying around, and add the flaked fish on top. I pack dressing separately.

    Martha has a recipe for salad Niquoise (sp?) that I use as a base/inspiration.


    Sunday 18th of November 2012

    As usual NO food waste - chickens eat EVERYTHING! (I have to be careful that I don't fall over in their run!) How boring is no food waste? How about this as a frugal idea though? As you are Frugal you doubtless use bar soap which is a lot cheaper than the soft soap, if not as convenient. I make my own soft soap. You know the little pieces of soap when they get so small that you don't want to throw them but they are pretty much useless? Well I put them all into a little plastic cup, add water, mash with a fork - after leaving for a day or two to soften. Presto soft soap! And you haven't wasted those little bits! Even better, I used to be a Chimney Sweep, so as you can imagine I always had dirty hands, no amount of washing would get them clean but I noticed that when we went to the beach and I played in the sand with my daughter by the end of the first day my hands were clean and soft as - - well you know. So I added playsand to my home made soft soap, and now I have the cleanest, softest hands of any Chimney Sweep that I know. So guys, if you are into any kind of dirty work, or even if you just work on servicing the lawnmower or changing your car's oil at weekends this is ideal. Keep the cup of soft soap and sand mixture in the workshop and get your hands cleaner than they have ever been. Your partner will be pleased. I use a 50/50 mix of soap and sand. You could probably use even more sand if you want, after all the sand on the beach is 100% sand and that worked! But If you add some soap it works very well and very quickly.

    Vicki Groves

    Saturday 17th of November 2012

    Food waste here: a small container of mashed potatoes that got lost in the back of the fridge...and half a beet.

    My favorite way to use leftover fish - make up some macaroni and cheese to mix it into, or drop it in a casserole.


    Saturday 17th of November 2012

    We've been working on food waste. My husband takes leftovers to work so there's always an extra adult sized portion factored in. Our big thing was fruit going bad. Now instead of buying a selection of fruit each week, I only buy 1 or 2 kinds at a time and buy something different next time. this week we actually had no waste. I made a capon and fixin's in Monday. Tuesday was something similar to shepards pie with a mix of ground meat, shredded capon, all te leftover veggies and extra potatoes. I made stock with the carcass and veggie ends I'd been saving for several days. There was also a very nice chicken salad with cranberry mayo...learning to be resourceful.


    Saturday 17th of November 2012

    It's been a long time since I posted my waste. This week it included oranges, bad beef from whole foods and some pudding I messed up when I made it.


    Sunday 25th of November 2012

    Ok, I have the exact same problem with fish down to trying to judge how much 6 people will eat.

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