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Food Waste Friday | I’ve been trying hard!

Every week, I post a picture of the food that has gone bad over the last seven days. Why do I do this? Because in March of 2008, I finally got fed up with the amount of food I was wasting, and I thought that showing my waste to other people would motivate me to use up my food instead of wasting it. Because this often embarrassing practice was so helpful for me, I invited other bloggers to join me in posting their food waste photos, and Food Waste Friday was born. If you’re not a blogger but still want some food waste accountability, feel free to participate by leaving a comment.

I do have some waste, though.

These ends of a loaf of bread went moldy mostly because we had more fun and interesting breads around. Who wants to eat whole wheat bread when you can have a squash roll topped with cinnamon and sugar??

I did put some good food waste effort forth yesterday, though.

I used up some sour milk by making two loaves of oatmeal bread.

And I used up the rest of that milk in some chocolate pudding, which I put out to cool on the snowy deck (it cools faster there than at room temperature, and putting hot pudding into the fridge makes the fridge work too hard).

Also, I froze some leftover marinara sauce.

And I scrapped last night’s dinner plan and served a smorgasbord of food from the fridge and freezer. Mr. FG had a beef and mushroom panini (using up the beef and the mushrooms), Lisey and Sonia had pepperoni pizza from the freezer, Joshua had a bratwurst from the freezer (also Mr. FG is having those in his lunch today…I had 3 in the freezer for some reason so I just grilled them up last night), and Zoe and I ate leftover meatballs and sauce from when I made meatball subs (I just boiled some spaghetti to make that happen).

So, my fridge and freezer are looking emptier, and that makes me very happy. Plus, I can bump last night’s planned meal (Shrimp with Dirty Rice) to my next menu plan, and that’s one less meal I have to come up with next time.


How did you do this week? If you blogged about your food waste, link us up by entering your info into the widget below. You’ll save money, reduce your trash output, and get a little publicity for your blog! And if you don’t blog, you can still share about your food waste by leaving a comment.

Today’s 365 post: You might think this is just a blanket.

Don't throw your bread away!

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    Sunday 19th of December 2010

    Unfortunately, I had a lot of waste this week. I had bought some cabbage two weeks ago to have with pierogi, but me and my pregnant self couldn't face cooking said cabbage. Then we had an unexpetedly large number of visitors last weekend, complete with lots of unexpected leftovers - 1 serving gnocchi with a cream sauce, 1 chicken thigh in a mushroom sauce, about 2 T sausage (which I forgot about and should have added to spaghetti sauce earlier this week), and some diced onions that had gotten lost in the back of the fridge.

    We ate a lot of leftovers this week, but just couldn't quite get through the last ends. It really bummed me out to toss all that cabbage, but I'm the primary cook, and I'm not going to argue with a queasy stomach!


    Friday 17th of December 2010

    Squash rolls? I'd love to hear more about those!

    Kudos on the sour milk usage, and thanks for clearing up that topic.

    My weekly wastea admission: black beans, half a cucumber. Being out of town wreaks havoc on the habits...

    Tina (Tightwad Mom)

    Friday 17th of December 2010

    I had some waste this week. One clementine fell to the bottom of the fruit basket and petrified. I also threw out a cup of leftover macaroni and cheese (from the blue box). I couldn't bring myself to eat it. It's just is nasty warmed up! I did mix all the odds and ends of veggies into some leftover gravy and made pot pie for dinner tonight.


    Friday 17th of December 2010

    I think I made up for all you non-wasters this week :( I told hubby (who was off today) to please, please, please clean out the fridge for me .... we had way too many leftovers from last Saturday's party and there was NO ROOM for anything. So he did clean it out, tossed, pulled EVERYTHING out and then cleaned all the shelves, drawers and doors! Yes, today he's on my good side (I'm just bummed that we had so much stuff leftover still, Hubby was sick all week as was Sonny Boy so my big eaters ate soup, soup and more soup) ...


    Friday 17th of December 2010

    Not too bad. I did not waste a single thing.

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