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Food Waste Friday | I’ve got no picture…

Every week, I post a picture of the food that has gone bad over the last seven days. Why do I do this? Because in March of 2008, I finally got fed up with the amount of food I was wasting, and I thought that showing my waste to other people would motivate me to use up my food instead of wasting it. Because this often embarrassing practice was so helpful for me, I invited other bloggers to join me in posting their food waste photos, and Food Waste Friday was born. If you’re not a blogger but still want some food waste accountability, feel free to participate by leaving a comment.

But that’s because the thing I wasted wasn’t really picture worthy. 😉 It was a freezer burnt bratwurst, which I did try to heat up and eat. But it tasted just…bad, and since it wasn’t a particularly healthy type of bratwurst in the first place, I decided eating it was just not worth it.

I feel vaguely like I wasted one other thing earlier in the week, but I cannot for the life of me remember what it was. Shucks. I’ll update if it comes to mind!

P.S. You know how I wrote that tongue in cheek post about takeout yesterday? Well, I was super-duper tempted to get takeout last night…it was a busy day, I was tired, and when I came home from grocery shopping, the last thing in the world I wanted to do was to make dinner (also, I couldn’t even find the recipe I was supposed to make!).

But, I felt that it would be pretty ridiculous to order takeout after writing that post (even though I was tempted to justify it six ways to Sunday! 😉 ), and I’m pleased to say that I managed to cook dinner after a quick call to my aunt for the recipe.

Anyway, because it bears repeating, I’ll remind you that I experience takeout temptation on an all-too-regular basis, and I’m right there in the trenches beside you, desperately trying to resist (at least most of the time. 😉 ).


How did you do this week? If you blogged about your food waste, link us up by entering your info into the widget below. You’ll save money, reduce your trash output, and get a little publicity for your blog! And if you don’t blog, you can still share about your food waste by leaving a comment.

Today’s 365 post: The peaches, they have been exchanged.

Joshua’s 365 post: Sonia’s Pigs

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    Thursday 20th of September 2012

    As they say at WW, "Fail to plan, plan to fail." :)


    Saturday 24th of September 2011

    I wasted about half a tub of sour cream. I was planning to use it in last night's dinner, but it was blue and fuzzy. At least I was able to substitute a little milk and cream cheese instead and dinner came out fine.

    giddy tigress

    Saturday 24th of September 2011

    You're's hard when we are tempted to order takeout. No dishes, no mess, right? But I find that when we cook at home, it is comforting to be able to know what I put in my food and that makes me sleep better.


    Friday 23rd of September 2011

    ha ha, i was able to 'convince' my DH that we'd be better off making sandwiches than ordering pizza. I was more concerned about my waistline than my pocketbook, but either way, we resisted the urge.


    Friday 23rd of September 2011

    I had an experience like yours just after I got back from vacation. On the spur of the moment I invited some friends over, then realized I had almost nothing to eat because I hadn't gone shopping since I returned. Think, think, rummage, rummage. A ha! White rice from the Chinese take-out I'd been eating for the past few days, and the requisite eggs; and random bits of veg (onion, carrot, celery, canned baby corn) as a grace note. I checked out a few recipes but in the end was lazy and used spice packets. It was all gone at the end of the evening.

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