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Food Waste Friday | + links

Every week, I post a picture of the food that has gone bad over the last seven days. Why do I do this? Because in March of 2008, I finally got fed up with the amount of food I was wasting, and I thought that showing my waste to other people would motivate me to use up my food instead of wasting it. Because this often embarrassing practice was so helpful for me, I invited other bloggers to join me in posting their food waste photos, and Food Waste Friday was born. If you’re not a blogger but still want some food waste accountability, feel free to participate by leaving a comment.

I’m pleased to report that I wasted nothing this week. Sweet!

I did forget to report half a pizza bagel last week, though, so you can mentally add that to my two avocados.

Since I’m so boring (in a happy way) today, I’ll share a few food waste related links.

A reader (and then another!) sent me a link to an article related to food waste, focusing on expiration dates. I’ve written about this topic before, and the article is a good refresher!

Also, a reader sent me a link to a Smithsonian slideshow of anti-food waste photos from World Wars I and II. I love these, especially the first one!


How did you do this week? If you blogged about your food waste, link us up by entering your info into the widget below. You’ll save money, reduce your trash output, and get a little publicity for your blog! And if you don’t blog, you can still share about your food waste by leaving a comment.

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    Saturday 4th of September 2010

    And the food posters are great, by the way. Love the canning ones as I've been bitten by that bug this year. Despite the busy week, I did manage to can pear butter and Chinese plum sauce.


    Saturday 4th of September 2010

    Not so good here this week--some leftover pasta and steamed asparagus I took to work for lunch and forgot about. A couple tablespoons of guacamole, and yes, the dreaded half a bunch of cilantro. I did make a use-it-up dinner last night with a bunch of odd bits of veggies, sauteed with leftover baked potatoes. Threw in a couple of eggs and topped it all with cheese. Not elegant but it tasted fine and used up a bunch of stuff. My mom has been in the hospital all week so the meal plan went out the window with visits added to our regular schedule. I'm delaying shopping for a couple of days to use up more stuff, but sometimes life throws you a curve and you just do the best you can!

    Lazy Budget Chef

    Saturday 4th of September 2010

    I had a bag of potatoes. I didn't take a photo because when I pulled the bag out from under another bag of potatoes, it was so bad there was liquid mush in the bag. Oh, and the smell - wretched! If I could I would have dropped the potatoes, grabbed the dog, slapped a bio hazard sign on the front door and moved. Just like that. Instead I tossed the potatoes bag and all in the trash can instead of the compost bin. If I put them in the compost, I would have had to open the bag. ew!


    Friday 3rd of September 2010

    Can I ask a question? I'm relatively new around here and HORRIBLE about throwing out food. Well, we call it "redneck composting" which means we throw it into the woods behind our house and let the raccoons/squirrels/deer etc...have it. But anyhow, I am working on it and have made some improvements. After cleaning my fridge out tomorrow I am going to make a real effort. So my question is, how do you decide what is waste and what isn't? I'm assuming the top off a tomato doesn't count, since you wouldn't eat it anyway, correct? But what about the bits and pieces from my toddler's plate, for example? Do you eat your kids' leftovers? Of course I realize, ideally, they wouldn't have any food left on their plates. But my daughter is 2 - it happens. Between that and food prep we end up with a bowl or pot of scraps every evening.

    Thanks :)


    Sunday 5th of September 2010

    "redneck composting" - Made me laugh out loud! Could the same term be applied to the guy I saw throwing a banana peel out of his truck window?


    Saturday 4th of September 2010

    I bet I know what Kristen's going to say "That's up to you." IIRC she doesn't count her kids' plate waste partly because there isn't much. Me, I'd count grownup plate waste but not kid's, and am not sure when the kid is old enough to be accountable for zir own's plate waste.


    Friday 3rd of September 2010

    Great job on a no waste week!

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