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Food Waste Friday | Onions, Bread, and Turkey. Sigh.

Every week, I post a picture of the food that has gone bad over the last seven days. I started doing this in March of 2008 to help motivate myself to use up my food instead of wasting it and it’s been very effective. Since it helped me so much, I invited other bloggers to join me in posting their food waste photos, and Food Waste Friday was born.

It was not the best week at our house for food waste. The slices of turkey breast were hanging out in a drawer in my fridge, and though they might be safe to eat, I am not entirely sure when I opened the package. And when it comes to lunch meat, I always err on the side of caution.

Next to the lunch meat is the end of a banana bread loaf. I’d made this with some really (really) black bananas, and it didn’t taste quite right. We did make it through most of the loaf, though, and I am now certain that it is possible for bananas to be too ripe even for banana bread.

The two onions were in my cabinet, and I discovered the mold when I went to retrieve an onion for dinner. Bummer. On the bright side, Lisey was supposed to observe some mold for her science activity, so we just used the moldy onions (she dutifully inspected the mold with a magnifying glass as directed!).


How did you do this week? If you blogged about your food waste, link us up by entering your info into the widget below. You’ll save money, reduce your trash output, and get a little publicity for your blog!

Don't throw your bread away!

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    Friday 30th of July 2010

    I am so mad at my husband. He and my kids always make excuses to eat out when I am not home. I left a package of cooked chicken kabobs from Whole foods with instructions to eat the evening I left. I just got home 4 days later, and they were not eaten. His excuse "I didn't know how to cook them" the container was never opened. Do other husbands do this? I buy food for the entire family, and I am the only one who eats it. Bananas untouched and brown. Turkey cold cuts untouched, fruit untouched. They always sneak out to eat. So mad.


    Thursday 28th of January 2010

    i just realized that other people wrote the sharpie thing. i think you do great & i just started composting this week (i read it on this site) and i did the same thing w/ the plastic bin. i'm also using it as a homeschooling project. o the love of science in everyday living.


    Thursday 28th of January 2010

    i just found this food wasting friday & i'm inspired! with lunch meat, i usually write on the package with a sharpie what date i opened it so if it gets close to 5 days, i have my husband smell or taste it. i say "when in doubt, throw it out". excited to try this


    Saturday 23rd of January 2010

    Sorry for the double link. I got hit with spam in my comment section last night and I could not figure out how to remove it. So I deleted the old Food Waste post and put up a new one.


    Saturday 23rd of January 2010

    No problem!


    Saturday 23rd of January 2010

    I truly believe...when in doubt, throw it out. You were very wise, in my opinion.


    Saturday 23rd of January 2010

    Having had a dreadful bout of food poisoning a number of years ago from a lunch meat sandwich at a restaurant, I am more nervous about lunch meat than I am about other foods! lol

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