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Food Waste Friday-the first one in May!


I do actually have some waste this week…it’s a little bowl of lettuce. I could certainly have managed to eat this, but it got shoved into the back of the refrigerator behind some other things, and I just didn’t remember it was there until it was too late. This was very preventable, but I had a busy week and my fridge just got out of control(I’m surprised I didn’t lose more things in the back of the fridge!).

Happily, it’s all organized now, and I spent some time on Wednesday dealing with some about-to-go-bad produce. I juiced a bunch of oranges, made tomato sauce from some wrinkly tomatoes, and made applesauce from apples that weren’t exactly beacons of freshness anymore.


How did you do? If you blogged about your food waste this week, use the Mr. Linky widget below to share your post with us! Remember to leave a direct link to your food waste post, so we won’t have to spend time poking around your blog searching for the right post.

And don’t forget that participating in the Food Waste Mr. Linky will get you a spot on my blogroll for a week. 😀

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    Neil Schmieder

    Saturday 30th of May 2009

    The other day I {tried|{ate|consumed|eaten|ate up|ate on}|{tasted|tried|sampled|savored|savoured}} omega 3 {rich|full|valuable}, free range eggs and they were {really|truly|real|genuinely|very|rattling} {good|pleasant|great|superb|healthy|wholesome|hearty}. Made me {want|wish|desire} to {raise|produce|grow|farm|nurture} chickens of my own to get {more||to a greater extent|more such|more some|more numerous} eggs into my {diet|dieting}. I used to {have|{own|possess}} a {duck|duck's egg} coop a while ago, now {I'd|I would|I think I } {like|wish|care} to get {started|started out|initiated} {again|over again|once more|once again}.

    The Frugal Girl » Food Waste Friday-5.8

    Friday 8th of May 2009

    [...] darn greens keep getting me! Last week it was a bit of lettuce and this week it’s a bit of spinach. It really truly is only a bit(I got up close with my [...]


    Thursday 7th of May 2009

    I lost some beautiful asparagus this week. I lost it under a pile of other veggies, and when my boyfriend rmeembered and asked me to cook it, it'd already gone off. Such a sad loss!

    Food Waste of the Week « The Chicken Coop

    Friday 1st of May 2009

    [...] This is part of Frugal Girl’s Food Waste Friday. [...]

    Mrs Green

    Friday 1st of May 2009

    a small bit of lettuce isn't bad; is it. That darn stuff goes off so quickly. We planted some today, so let's hope we don't get any food waste throughout the summer of salad items :)

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