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Food Waste Friday-The last of 2009

Every week, I post a picture of the food that has gone bad over the last seven days. I started doing this in March of 2008 to help motivate myself to use up my food instead of wasting it and it’s been very effective. Since it helped me so much, I invited other bloggers to join me in posting their food waste photos, and Food Waste Friday was born.

Today, I’m delighted to report that I have no waste, for the second week in a row! Woohoo!

Now, next Friday is Christmas Day (AAAHHH! I’m not done making presents!!!!), so we’ll take a little break from Food Waste Friday. I’m going to be busy hanging out with my family, and I hope you will be too. I won’t be slacking in my efforts, though, I promise. As usual, I’ll be faithfully eating leftovers and improvising with the food in my fridge.

How did you do this week? If you blogged about your food waste, link us up by entering your info into the widget below. Participants get a spot on my Food Waste blogroll for the upcoming week, so join us! You’ll save money, reduce your trash output, and get a little publicity for your blog!

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    Saturday 19th of December 2009

    Wow - no waste 2 weeks running! Go Kristen!


    Friday 18th of December 2009

    So it has been another good week for you, Kristen! Excellent. Mine won't be so great. My husband has been out of town and there is only so much I can eat, plus we leave for a round of Xmas visiting tomorrow. I'll clear out the fridge tonight and compost what I can. Better than the trashcan!

    Mrs Green

    Friday 18th of December 2009

    Alas I had some furry apple and blueberry puree hiding in the back of the fridge. Well done you though, Kristen - another successful week!

    Good luck with making the presents :)

    hiptobeme - you sound very organised; I love the idea of making a pie and then freezing it for later use :)


    Friday 18th of December 2009

    Whenever I have a big turkey or ham dinner, I always deal with the leftovers straight away by making a casserole with layers of of the meal and even some gravy with the mashed potatoes on top. This goes in the freezer for a work night or other occasion when I am too busy to cook. Another trick is to put it all in a pie shell. Turkey pie is a great heat and eat meal. Happy Holidays!

    Striving for a Simple Life

    Friday 18th of December 2009

    Great job Kristen!

    Have a Merry Christmas. :-)


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