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Food Waste Friday | the last of 2011!

Every week, I post a picture of the food that has gone bad over the last seven days. Why do I do this? Because in March of 2008, I finally got fed up with the amount of food I was wasting, and I thought that showing my waste to other people would motivate me to use up my food instead of wasting it. Because this often embarrassing practice was so helpful for me, I invited other bloggers to join me in posting their food waste photos, and Food Waste Friday was born. If you’re not a blogger but still want some food waste accountability, feel free to participate by leaving a comment.

Cantaloupe has been really cheap of late, probably because a lot of people are still nervous about buying it after the listeria problem.

I’ve bought quite a few, and they’ve been surprisingly good, considering that it’s not exactly cantaloupe-growing season. But, the last two I bought were not so tasty. I cut some up to throw into smoothies, and we ate some, but we were just not up for consuming this last half.

So of course, I just let it sit in my fridge until it got moldy.

Because that is very sensible.

I’ll probably refrain from buying cantaloupe again until the winter is over because the odds of getting a tasteless melon are just too good right now.

I will not be tempted by low prices! I will not!


I also wanted to tell you that this will be the last Food Waste Friday for 2011. The next two Fridays are right before Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve, and I think most of us will be far too busy to think about food waste!

And because this is a very busy time of year for you and for me, posts for the next week or two will be a little more hit and miss than usual…we’ll probably skip some of the regular features, and I might even skip some days.

So, don’t worry about me if I don’t post. I’m probably just baking cookies or something. 😉

Oh, and I want to tell you about a new glass straw that I have, but I’ll do that this afternoon in a separate post.


How did you do this week? If you blogged about your food waste, link us up by entering your info into the widget below. You’ll save money, reduce your trash output, and get a little publicity for your blog! And if you don’t blog, you can still share about your food waste by leaving a comment.

Today’s 365 post: Joshua and his best buddy

Joshua’s 365 post: Oh, yeah!

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    Friday 16th of December 2011

    Hurrah! All week, my husband and I work/ate/cooked with your Food Waste Friday in mind! No food waste! And we got so inspired by commenter Jo at Simply Mum's blog and totally emptied out the fridge, cleaned all the shelves, and then...washed the front, top and sides! I am so influenced by blogs these days! :)


    Saturday 17th of December 2011

    Oops! I meant Jo at simplybeingmum


    Friday 16th of December 2011

    Congratulations Cheeryshirley.

    Kristen, we only wasted some rice this week and it happened while I was away last weekend. Not on my watch but waste none-the-less.

    I do have my best food rescue ever to report. It was absolutely delicious and makes me think I should burn some cookies more often :)

    Happy Christmas to all at Chez Frugal Girl. Will look forward to your spotty posting and a return to regular scheduling in the new year :)


    Friday 16th of December 2011

    This was my first week jumping on the Food Waste Friday bandwagon! Thanks for the motivation!


    Friday 16th of December 2011

    No waste here, but I have a large collection of odd bits in my fridge so it will take vigilance this weekend to get them eaten up!


    Friday 16th of December 2011

    No waste here this week!! yay!!

    Lyn-the lazy

    Friday 16th of December 2011

    Finally getting back to posting FWF

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