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Food Waste Friday | Zippo for me!

Every week, I post a picture of the food that has gone bad over the last seven days. Why do I do this? Because in March of 2008, I finally got fed up with the amount of food I was wasting, and I thought that showing my waste to other people would motivate me to use up my food instead of wasting it. Because this often embarrassing practice was so helpful for me, I invited other bloggers to join me in posting their food waste photos, and Food Waste Friday was born.

Thank you, thank you!

I did have some sour milk to use up since last Food Waste Friday, and if you read my 365 blog, you already know that I made some cinnamon bread with it, much to my children’s delight.

Oh, and Lisey and I have a Baking With Lisey post up…this time it’s about how to make homemade frosting.


How did you do this week? If you blogged about your food waste, link us up by entering your info into the widget below. You’ll save money, reduce your trash output, and get a little publicity for your blog! And if you don’t blog, you can still share about your food waste by leaving a comment.

Those of you who participate in Food Waste Friday can now grab a fancy-schmancy button to perk up your posts. If you copy and paste the following code into your Food Waste Friday post, this little graphic will appear.


If you blog on WordPress, just make sure you’re in html mode when you copy and paste the code, or it won’t work properly.


Today’s 365 post: Someone’s grown a bit

Don't throw your bread away!

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    Monday 23rd of April 2012

    I've missed you. Hope things are OK.


    Saturday 21st of April 2012

    This doesn't have anything to do with food waste Friday, but I found this on Pinterest & thought you might me interested in it. Turtle Bread - I remember reading one of your daughter's is fond of turtle's.


    Saturday 21st of April 2012


    Skirnir Hamilton

    Friday 20th of April 2012

    I had a bad week, but knew it was coming, just hadn't faced up to it. Alright, I have been enjoying cooking for my family as I was staying home a bit more, but now I will be heading back to a two day a week job. But in staying home, I always keep cold cuts around for when there are no left overs, but with my staying home and cooking more, we had lots of left overs to choose from. I have been avoiding looking at the cold cuts, but then came our Easter ham and there was no way anyone was touching the cold cuts while the easter ham was in the fridge. Then we had to drive to Ohio for a funeral at the last moment. After we came back I looked through the fridge and had to throw some honey ham away and a small piece of a chunk of ham. Have some cold cut turkey that if we don't use it soon, it will have to be tossed. Would prefer to cook it somehow to use it. Not sure what to do it with it, but may hear about it going to waste next week. I need to be better about planning more fend for self nights I think! We eat left overs at lunch, but usually that is the day befores left overs and the older stuff gets ignored. I also have celery that if I don't use soon, it will have to go by by too. The easter ham is almost gone, so need to boil the bone, etc.

    A Frugal Spinster

    Friday 20th of April 2012

    You can saute or boil chopped celery then freeze it for future use in soup or casseroles.


    Friday 20th of April 2012

    Can you make creamed turkey to make open faced sandwiches ...??


    Friday 20th of April 2012

    Just wanted to say thanks for your Food Waste Friday post every week. It's so inspiring to me. I have really been focusing this year on decreasing the amount of food we eat and I can tell it's really making a difference! Just last week I had 1/4 gallon of milk that was going sour. I used to pour it out and just start on the other carton when that happened, but this time I used the milk to make a peach oven pancake, some chocolate pudding, and then I froze the remaining small amount to use in my baking some other time. I was so proud of myself!! Thanks for the weekly encouragement of your post.


    Friday 20th of April 2012

    I had a horrible waste last night, I'd made a big pot of pasta sauce with fresh peppers, leftover sausages and chorizo and was just adding the final seasoning when the glass pepper grinder shattered - filling the pot with tiny shards of glass :( .... Supper last night was cheese on toast!

    Skirnir Hamilton

    Saturday 21st of April 2012

    I think I would just cry if that happened to me. But that kind of waste is unavoidable as I have no idea how one can pull the glass out.

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