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Food Waste Photo-8.30

Here’s the food that was wasted at Chez Frugal Girl this week:

Oh yes. It has finally happened. By God’s grace, I’ve managed to not waste any food at all this week. Woohoo!!!! Who’d have thought that I, queen of food wasters, could ever do this? Change is apparently possible, even for those of us who’ve had bad habits for years.

I’m actually surprised that I managed it this week. I’m currently the unhappy owner of The Canker Sore To End All Canker Sores, which means that I’ve been able to eat almost no fresh produce this week without causing myself great pain. In fact, it’s been so painful that eating anything at all has been less than pleasant and one night, even sleeping was difficult. Tomorrow will be day number 7, and I’m dearly hoping that it will be the day the sore improves.

At any rate, I had a bunch of tomatoes that I definitely couldn’t eat(tomatoes are murder on a canker sore!) and so I peeled them(you just dunk them in boiling water for a minute, put them in cool water immediately, and then the skins come off very easily), quartered them, arranged them on a baking sheet, froze them, and then put the frozen tomatoes in ziploc bags, the same way I do with my chicken parts. I’ve never tried this before, but I’m thinking that I can probably use these just like I would canned tomatoes.

I also had a plethora of apples, some of which were getting really mushy, so I made a batch of applesauce. I also made some quick bread with a couple of squash that I had.

Plus, I managed to get caught up with my leftovers(if you remember, last week I felt like I was living on the edge of a leftover-wasting disaster!) and I even ate some leftovers that I’d frozen.

Overall this has been a pretty busy, stressful week(and painful too, at least for my mouth), but it’s been a pretty happy one in the frugal realm. I’m quite sure tomorrow’s post won’t be another joyous party post(how exciting could a menu plan be??)…thank you for indulging me for three days in a row!

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    Monday 14th of December 2009

    I know it's been a long time but I came across this post and had to share this with you - it's called Hurricaine gel. I have to mail order it but it is fantastic for any kind of mouth pain. My daughter swears by Rembrandt toothpaste to keep them away but it is so expensive and I'm not convinced it works.

    The Frugal Girl :: Food Waste Photo-11.7

    Friday 7th of November 2008

    [...] has only happened once before, in August, so don’t be too impressed….but, I have wasted no food this week! Woohoo! I really feel [...]


    Tuesday 2nd of September 2008

    Fantastic. This may be a goal I will have to try soon. What a great idea.


    Monday 1st of September 2008

    Mine is finally getting better too. I tellya, I never appreciate a healthy mouth more than I do after a canker sore has healed. Oh, the joys of brushing my teeth and eating without pain!!!


    Monday 1st of September 2008

    Just came across your site. I so feel your pain this week. I also had this week the mother of all canker sores. It finally hit its peak last night and is going down. I can't wait to eat.

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