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Food Waste Photo times 2, and grocery spending

I seem to be out of my usual routine here…I keep forgetting to include my grocery spending with my menu, and I haven’t posted a food waste photo for two weeks!

This is what I wasted two weeks ago:

And this is what I wasted last week:

Not included in the photo is a moldy peach that had gotten stuck under some apples. I think it’s been there since before vacation. Dear me.

I’m actually surprised that there isn’t more wasted food in the second picture…I was juggling a lot of leftovers this past week, but we managed to eat through almost all of them before they went bad, and my fridge is currently in very decent shape, so I don’t think I’ll waste much this week.

Now for grocery spending…I don’t have my numbers from two weeks ago handy, but I know I spent $83 last week, which is right around the low end of my budget.

However, this week so far there has been a $10 trip to the local grocery store, and then this morning I spent $90 at Costco. This means that there are exactly $0 left in my grocery budget for this week, and I haven’t even been to my main store yet. Yikes. I know this happens every time I go to Costco, and it’s not the end of the world since I’ve had a number of $80 weeks. Still, I’d like to minimize the damage to my budget by planning a menu that depends heavily on my current freezer/fridge/pantry stash this week. I’m planning that today, hopefully, and going grocery shopping tomorrow, at which point I will update on how well I did with that. I did buy milk during the $10 trip, so I think that with some good planning, I can mostly just buy some produce tomorrow and be done with it.

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    The Frugal Girl › Oh yeah…my grocery shopping today.

    Thursday 9th of October 2008

    [...] mentioned yesterday that I was going to try to do a bare bones shopping trip this week, due to my $90 trip to Costco. I [...]


    Thursday 9th of October 2008

    AG, I didn't even do any impulse buying. Sigh. I just bought food, and the food I bought was all basic, no-frills stuff, like frozen strawberries, butter, nuts, vanilla, and so on. Oh, and I bought laundry detergent and dishwashing detergent too.

    Stacey-yup, I do compost all the produce waste that I have. Unfortunately, most of the stuff in those photos wasn't compostable. I did put the salsa in the compost bin, because I figured it was just glorified vegetables, really.


    Thursday 9th of October 2008

    Hiya! I'm new to your blog via a relative of yours who my family adores! I've really enjoyed reading your posts. Thanks! I was wondering if you compost your food waste? That way you really haven't "wasted". =)

    Annie's Granny

    Wednesday 8th of October 2008

    Why does every trip to Costco end up costing $90? I was there today...spent $93. And I just went in for AA batteries and tuna! I think that's the worst store for me for impulse buying.

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