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Freezer Challenge | Almost a complete fail

Hoo boy.

Last week really, really did not go as planned for me.

And as a result, I had what was definitely the worst performance of my freezer challenge so far!

freezer contents.

Last Monday, I used up both bags of salmon fillets at dinner (which, as we have already discussed, I loathed. BLECH.)

Incidentally, thanks for all your salmon comments! I had no idea there were so many different kinds of salmon, and I definitely think that the kind I had was perhaps not a very good representation of salmon.

So maybe if I get brave at some point, I can try again with better salmon.

I think I’ll need a while, though.   The scars from eating that fish…

To go along with the salmon, I took the advice from you guys and used the hot dog buns to make garlic bread.   That part of the meal was so much better than the salmon.

So, that dinner was good on the freezer challenge front, but then I used up exactly NOTHING else all week.

Zero. Zippo. Zilch. Nada.

I know that makes for a pretty darn boring freezer challenge post, but it is what it is.

Sometimes I rock my challenges and other times I just…don’t.

This week’s food

I’m not going to give myself a new assignment this week; rather I’m just going to try to use up the other things from last week’s pile of food.

Here’s to a better week! <flexes bicep>

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    Wednesday 25th of July 2018

    I don't eat as much fish anymore unless I'm absolutely sure it is from the USA. Too many stories about Tilapia and Salmon being fed human and animal feces when they are raised on fish farms in China led me to no be able to stomach fish like I used to. China was also coloring trout and passing it off as Salmon. It's in their culture to do these things to make $$ so fish and most Chinese restaurants are off limits to me now because of their cleanliness and trust factor.


    Wednesday 25th of July 2018

    Pretty good week for me using things up,I had to get creative with a couple cans of soup that just aren't something I normally eat (don't care for processed loaded with salt soup) but I put some over rice & potatoes for lunch. I am finding that shopping every 2 weeks is helping cut down on the excess I have. Shopping and cooking for 2 is SO very different from shopping & cooking for 3. You would think it would not make a huge difference. Also hoping to organize my cupboards better, things get pushed to the back as I have a very non useful deep pantry. In fact for food it makes no sense to put it in there.


    Wednesday 25th of July 2018

    I just defrosted some chicken and rice- not very tasty when I reheated it either. Someone said why eat if you don't like it? Well, I hate to throw 'good' food away- good in the sense it's not spoiled; just not what I was looking for! Anyhow my personal lesson would be I really don't care that much for rice, so why eat it when I'd rather have mashed white potatoes- no more rice for me at home. I quit buying sweet potatoes- I really don't care for them either.


    Wednesday 25th of July 2018

    Well, and salmon is SO good for you too. If it had been a brownie I didn't like, I'd have thrown it away. But I was trying to put something healthy into my body. Heh.

    Definitely the lesson is that I should never eat frozen salmon from Aldi again!


    Tuesday 24th of July 2018

    meh. I would call it a work in progress. A challenge needs a break to regather its' strength. And you really paid your dues with that salmon, so...


    Tuesday 24th of July 2018

    Keep on truckin'!

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