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Freezer Challenge Update!


It’s been a week since I started my freezer challenge, and though it’s not exactly empty in the freezer, it IS looking way more manageable.

freezer challenge update

Here’s what I’ve been up to.

I used up my random frozen fruit…

empty fruit bags

in a smoothie, of course.

food waste smoothie

I used up a tortilla from the freezer and also some chipotle sauce leftover from fish tacos by making a scrambled egg breakfast taco.

scrambled egg tacos

Crazy delicious.

I used up the bacon from the freezer by making bacon/cheese quesadillas.

bacon quesadillas

And I used up taco meat by serving, uh, tacos.   CREATIVE.   I know.


Apparently, I was motivated to use up anything that could be Tex-Mex.

I love Tex-Mex food with my whole heart, and I think I could eat it every single day.

So, what’s left?

I still have to deal with the bread odds and ends (bread pudding, coming right up!), and I still have the chicken and sausage to use up, but I think that’s gonna be easy.

Since this is Food Waste Friday and not just a freezer challenge update….

I lost all of these mushrooms.   I don’t know why they went bad so quickly (I didn’t keep them covered in plastic or anything!), but they did.

moldy mushrooms

And then I lost 1/4 cup of pulled pork, plus the last few Brussels sprouts.

food waste friday

I got the Brussels sprouts in my produce box, and I roasted them in bacon fat (because bacon helps everything, right??)

Despite the bacon, they weren’t super well-received here, so we didn’t eat all of them that night.   I did eat another helping of them leftover at lunch the next day, but I wasn’t inspired enough to eat all the leftovers.

(On a side note: why must these things smell so bad when you cook them? Ugh.)

I’m considering opting out of Brussels sprouts in my produce box options, although maybe we just need to give them one more try.

Are they an acquired taste, perhaps??


How are things on the food waste front at your house?   Let us know in the comments!

(and feel free to drop a link if you blogged about food waste this week.)


P.S. Last night I wrote up a few clarifications about my Earth day post.

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    Sharon Sorrels

    Monday 3rd of July 2023

    Brussels sprouts sliced sliced very thin do come in those chopped salad bags. You could get a healthier salad using them. Or sneak them into a stirfry.


    Monday 27th of April 2015

    Thanks for inspiring my own freezer challenge. I am cleaning out all those frozen veggies and meats from winter. In with fresh spring veggies and fruits!

    Sarah H

    Monday 27th of April 2015

    I love all the brussel sprout recipe links! I never had them until I was in my 30s. I wish I could rewind and eat them from the start. Here's a recipe that my 3 year requests and gobbles up: We serve it over bulgur.

    Like the taste, but not the smell? Grilling! Our go-to that I'm eating right now at lunch: two layers of foil, cut b.sprouts in half, drizzle olive oil over it and Lawry's seasoning salt. Wrap it up into a foil pack and grill for 20-25 minutes (varies depending on size of sprouts and how hot the grill is). Flip packet over every 5 minutes. Medium to medium heat is best. We have had preschoolers and grown, b.sprouts hating adults love this recipe and request it at dinner parties.

    I'm not a fan of them roasted and hate them boiled/steamed, if that helps motivate you to try them again.


    Monday 27th of April 2015

    Oh, grilling sounds good! All the nasty smell can stay outdoors.


    Monday 27th of April 2015

    I roast Brussels sprouts using Cooks Illustrated's basic recipe. Basically, cut in half, toss in salt/pepper, olive oil and put on baking sheet cut side down. They recommend roasting at 500 degrees covered for 10 minutes and uncovered for 10-15 more. I find this gives some really nice caramelization which really helps to balance out the bitterness. I am usually rather sensitive to bitter flavors, but I love Brussels sprouts prepared this way! They have several variations of this basic recipe on their website, but I find the basic way is so delicious, I haven't branched out yet.


    Monday 27th of April 2015

    Put balsamic vinegar on the sprouts, after you roast them to nearly burnt. Yum!

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