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Get your year off to a clean start with a Mrs. Meyer’s cleaning set!

Good Monday morning to you, frugal people!

mrs meyers

Today marks the return to normal life for us here at Chez FG.   School, dance, and martial arts start up again and Mr. FG’s days off are over (for now, at least!).   And the same’s true for most of you too, I’ll bet.

I could go for maybe one more week off.   But I might feel the same way no matter how many weeks we had off.

(Actually, I’m pretty sure I would, because I still feel this way at the end of a 3-month summer break!)


The lovely people at ePantry have a special offer this week for just a few bloggers to share with their readers.

epantry mrs meyers offer

(I’m always so honored when they ask me!)

Ok, so, here’s what’s up:

If you’re new to ePantry, you can get free shipping, two free Mrs. Meyer’s products, free sponges, a free cleaning caddy, and a free kitchen towel, plus 6 more products for a total of $26.24.

mrs meyers cleaning caddy


epantry mrs meyers

That’s $2.38 per item, with no shipping costs, and you’d be super hard-pressed to beat that anywhere else.

Here are the Mrs. Meyer’s products that come in the set.

mrs meyers


I’ve tried 7th Generation dish soap and Method dish soap from ePantry and I haven’t really loved them.

But I find that the Mrs. Meyer’s dish soap actually does work to cut grease on my dishes, so, yay!

epantry offer

I’ve been using the Method toilet cleaner for a few months now, and it works almost as well as its more un-natural  mainstream alternatives.   The only thing I notice is that I can’t go quite as long between cleanings when I use it.

Which is probably a fairly good thing, actually.

Among other things, you get a dish towel, which is excellent.   I love, love, love cloth towels in my kitchen. They last for years and prevent so much paper towel usage at my house.

grove kitchen towel

This is a no-nap type of fabric, so you can use it for covering rising bread dough as well as for usual towel tasks.

I’ve never used a scrubbing brush like this bamboo-handled one, so I’m curious to see how I like it.

bamboo scrubbing brush

Oh, about scents: my set came with lavender scented Mrs. Meyer’s products, but if lavender isn’t your thing, you can switch with any the other Mrs. Meyer’s scents.

(I see they have Iowa Pine in the hand soap. Just sayin’…..)

Just so you know, you are NEVER EVER under any obligation to order another blessed thing from ePantry.   You can give this introductory offer a try and if ePantry isn’t your jam, you can go on your merry way, cleaning set in hand.

To recap, here’s everything that comes in your introductory order (although it’s hard to see the cleaning caddy in this shot.)

epantry offer

The Offers

Ok!   So, if you’re NEW to ePantry,  click here to get your big ol’ box of products sent your way.

If you’re already an ePantry customer, click here and you’ll get 50% off of these items:

epantry mrs meyers offer

Let me know if you have any questions or run into any problems…the ePantry team and I will get you all fixed up. 😉

P.S. In case you’re wondering why you might want to consider ordering from ePantry:

  • the products come right to your door
  • you can get eco-friendly products that you might not find elsewhere
  • ePantry saves 25 square feet of rainforest with every order
  • the customer service is excellent
  • you are never locked into orders
  • this introductory offer is a super-duper good deal
  • orders come with paper packing material instead of peanuts or plastic (yay!)

Disclosure: ePantry sent me a complimentary introductory set for review purposes, and I’m an ePantry affiliate which means that purchases made through links in this post help to support this blog at NO extra cost to you.


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    Wednesday 6th of January 2016

    I can't figure it out?? I've tried clicking on everything but it only shows 5 items? (I tried chatting with the customer service too and she said this offer is only for 5 items.) I don't see a next page like another reader mentioned. Any advise?


    Thursday 7th of January 2016

    Nevermind...I see that offer is only for the new people...50% off is still awesome though!


    Wednesday 6th of January 2016

    Ok I figured it out and placed my order! Epantry just lists the free items at first. The next page shows the other items added to the order. Thanks!!!


    Wednesday 6th of January 2016

    Yay! So glad you got it figured out.


    Wednesday 6th of January 2016

    I clicked on the link to the pantry deal and they are only offering 2 Mrs. Meyers products, a towel, 2 sponges and the caddy. Not all the items you listed. ???


    Monday 4th of January 2016

    I heard Mrs Meyers are great! If you like products thats super.

    For the sake of being frugal and efficient, I use and urge others to check into eCloths sold on Amazon!! They are like Norwex but for way less money. I love them SO much I sometimes carress my toilets and sinks or stand marvelling at the clean shine on windows, stainless and granite.

    Do check into. You'll save oodles of product, waste and time.


    Monday 4th of January 2016

    Do you know how long this deal will be around? Thanks!


    Monday 4th of January 2016

    Yup, it runs thru Friday at 6pm.

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