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Groceries and Menu-First one for June

Two photos this week, since my groceries were hard to arrange in one pile. 😉

The first is mostly protein (not counting the frozen fruit!):

meat and other proteins from a grocery trip.

And here’s the rest of my stuff.

groceries from Aldi.

Because I know you’ll wonder, I should explain that I bought all that yogurt because I like to include yogurt in my husband’s lunches sometimes, and I still haven’t managed to figure out how to make homemade cherry yogurt. I’m working on it, but my attempts so far have been less than satisfactory. And I bought 24 of the cups because by doing that, I got $3 off in addition to receiving the sale price.

Rest assured, though, that the rest of us will be eating homemade yogurt. I did let all the kids have one cup of the Yoplait yogurt when we came home from shopping, though, and they were very tickled to have such a treat. 😉

I spent $66.65 at Aldi and $31.73 at Weis for a total of $98.38. Yikes. That means I’m exactly $18.38 over budget. To get back on track, I’d have to spend only about $60 next week. I’m not sure I’ll be able to swing that, but I’m going to try!


  • A family friend got married today…I played for the wedding, and we all attended, so we ate at the reception. Yay for no cooking! It’s always sort of hard to come up with dinner after I play for a wedding, so this was nice.


  • Buttermilk Waffles
  • OJ
  • some sort of melon


  • Turkey Sandwiches with Herb Mayo
  • Fruit Salad
  • raw carrots and cucumbers


  • Broiled Tilapia
  • Potato Cubes
  • Green Salad


  • BBQ Chicken Pieces
  • Grilled Veggies
  • Cheese Bagels


  • Grilled Chicken/Roasted Red Pepper sandwiches
  • not sure on the sides yet-will depend on next week’s sales


  • Grilled Pizza
  • Green Salad

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    The Frugal Girl » Menu and Grocery Spending-A happy report this time.

    Saturday 13th of June 2009

    [...] my less-than-stellar over budget shopping last week, it occured to me that I wasn’t quite as over as I thought.  I’d neglected to remember [...]


    Tuesday 9th of June 2009

    Jenny, I'll try to get that recipe to you.

    Engineer Mom and Allie, I'll give that a try. I know Aldi sells a cherry jam.

    Battra, we haven't tried the corn chips, and now we won't! lol


    Tuesday 9th of June 2009

    If you get cherry jelly/jam and mix it into the yogurt before you portion his out into jars/containers, it should work fine. "Hero" brand makes a delicious one (also a delicious guava one).

    Christine @ becomingp31

    Monday 8th of June 2009

    @Randi My sister lives in Ottawa, ON and when she came down she said things were definitly more expensive! I don't know why, but as Canada's "richest" province, apparently we get to pay more for goods and services!


    Monday 8th of June 2009

    As for homemade cherry yogurt - have you tried mixing cherry jam or jelly with the yogurt? Or maybe even pureed pie filling? Brian and I make strawberry yogurt by mixing a little strawberry jam into plain yogurt.

    I'm still working on grocery budgeting (diapers, formula and wipes seem to push me over every week!), but I definitely notice that where you live affects prices. For example, here in MN I can buy frozen grass-fed ground beef for $4-$5/lb. Almost anywhere else it seems to be a lot more expensive. I have a friend who doesn't even pay for lemons - she picks them off a tree in her yard, while here they're about $0.30 each. Organic raw sweet potatoes? $1.69/lb in MN. Organic avocadoes? $1.69 each, if they're on sale.

    The closer you live to the source, the cheaper the food is, usually! Also, for anyone living outside the US, conventional corn is subsidized here, so anything that uses corn (beef, chicken, etc.) tends to be cheaper than it would be almost anywhere else in the world. If our food was not subsidized, it would be closer in price to the rest of the world. Go figure.

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