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Grocery Spending and Menu


If you recall from last week’s grocery report, I was a bit over budget. Ahem. So much so that I figured I needed to average about $84 for the next three shopping trips in order to stay on budget. How did I do?

I spent $54.44 at Aldi and $32.72 at Weis. That adds up to $87.16! I’m pretty pleased with that, as it’s really close to the $84 goal I was shooting for.

I have about $165 left for my next two shopping trips, which means I should try to keep my bill at $83 each time I shop. Hopefully I can manage that. And in November, I am determined not to get behind right away like I did this month.

These are the eats at our place for the coming week:

Breakfast-I’m going to try hard to avoid cereal for the most part for the kids and myself (my husband leaves really early for work and usually just has time for a bowl of cereal.). Anyways, the kids and I will be eating things like oatmeal, pancakes, muffins, scrambled eggs, toast, and of course Lisey will be eating sweet potatoes (she puts butter and a bit of brown sugar on top of them, which makes them sort of breakfast-y, I suppose!).

Lunch-leftovers for my husband, and the kids and I will eat bread, yogurt, yogurt and fruit smoothies, fresh fruit, cottage cheese, and leftovers if necessary (not all at the same time!).

Dinners will be as follows.




  • Quick Crispy Chicken Breasts
  • cheese biscuits
  • orange slices


  • Shrimp and Ravioli in pink sauce
  • french bread
  • steamed green beans


  • Tandoori Chicken
  • Two-tone bread
  • green salad



  • Chicken with Parmesan Risotto
  • pull-apart garlic bread
  • grapefruit halves

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    Friday 6th of November 2009

    Hey, I just wanted to say that I found your blog and spent about an hour reading it without even realizing where the time was going. Kudos to you!

    The Frugal Girl » Grocery Spending and Menu Plan-Still here, by popular request.

    Saturday 24th of October 2009

    [...] it last night, though, and it was heavenly.). $56.58 was my total at Aldi, which puts me at $90.02. I told you all last week that I was trying for $82, and while I didn’t meet that goal, I was sort of close, much closer than I would have been [...]


    Tuesday 20th of October 2009

    I made your thin crust pizza the other day and blogged about it. I made it with half applesauce and half oil. It turned out amazing. I made personal size pizzas for my husband and I because we didn't have any parchment paper in the house. I will be using this recipe again and again!! Thanks for posting it.


    Monday 19th of October 2009

    I noticed that your daughter likes sweet potatoes for breakfast. We just found an awesome deal on sweet potatos and thought to pass on our recent find. Have you ever went to a local farm to get those? You can often find sweet potato seconds in bins seperate from the regularly priced produce. Just last weekend, we bought a 1/2 busshel of sweet potatoes seconds for $4.00. We also bought 1/2 busshel of tomato seconds for $2.00. The only thing I could find wrong with the "seconds" is that the potatos and tomatos were a little bigger than your average size. Okay, some of them were HUGE.


    Sunday 18th of October 2009

    I would suggest making a batch or 2 of pancakes ahead of time and freeze them, and your husband can heat them in the toaster and eat them in the same time it takes to have that bowl of cereal, and it is less expensive.

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