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Grocery Spending and Menu Plan

Last week, I didn’t post about my grocery spending because I hadn’t gone yet (and because I wanted to share about my Living Water donation plan). Instead, I made a quick trip on Monday just to get us through until the next regular shopping day. So, here’s my spending totals for the last two weeks:

Local Store-$6.28
Weis #1-$31.56
Weis #2-$56.31

I had $200 to spend over the last two weeks, and I only spent $145.77 of that. This means that I have an extra $55 in my envelope to give to Living Water at the end of the month as long as I don’t go over budget in the two remaining weeks of December. Yay!

The groceries here are just what I bought during the last Weis and Aldi trip.


(there are four stuffed animals in this picture, by the way. I think the peep is hidden the best….Lisey did that! )

Breakfasts this week will be muffins, oatmeal, sweet potatoes (for Lisey and me!), cereal, and fruit. Lunches will be sandwiches, yogurt, yogurt smoothies, fruit, nuts, and leftovers as necessary.

Dinners are as follows.




  • Stromboli
  • green salad


  • Fajitas (made with grilled vegetables, chicken, and shrimp)
  • fruit salad


  • Clam Chowder
  • an attempt at bread bowls, because I have never quite figured this out
  • whatever vegetables need to be used up



  • I think that we might try to have a date night sans kids, but I’m not positive. Must find babysitting.
    (I am seriously looking forward to the day, a few years from now, when we can leave the kids home for a short while by themselves. That will be fabulous!!)

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    Grocery Spending and Menu Plan|Christmas Week Edition

    Saturday 19th of December 2009

    [...] you remember from last week, I had $55 extra in my grocery envelope, and since I was under budget again this week, I have another $7 to add to that.  So, as of now, [...]


    Monday 14th of December 2009

    p.s. I got interrupted: I meant to explain, that although I have seen some people leave their kids alone in the car at a much younger age (a friend of mine does it with her 4 year old which totally freaks me out!) but my son is extremely imaginative and sensitive and completely freaked out at the idea of sitting by himself in the car while I'm in a store. So now what happens is, we drive some place, I tell him to get out of the car, he says "do I HAVE to get out of the car?, I say yes, repeat about twice, and then he gets out of the car and begrudgingly accompanies me. I'm always in awe of how you go shopping and to thrift stores and on other errands with 4 kids!


    Monday 14th of December 2009

    I'm also looking forward to the day I can leave my son (8) in the car alone while I just dash into a store for one thing.

    Sharon @UnfinishedMom

    Sunday 13th of December 2009

    I always love the pictures of your grocery shopping trip. It's like Where's Waldo, but with groceries!

    PS: There's an award waiting for you over at my place:


    Saturday 12th of December 2009

    It *is* really nice to be able to leave the house for a little bit without the kids.... your day is coming, my friend. Hang in there :)

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