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Grocery Spending & Menu Plan | The Four-Store Edition

Normally, I keep my running around to a minimum, but on Monday, my husband’s day off, he sent me out by myself to Atlanta Bread Company for a re-grouping/planning session (yay!). Afterwards, I made two quick grocery stops.

I had some coupons to use at Giant, and I spent a total of $6.97. I got a dozen eggs (I had a coupon to get them free), a box of Cream of Wheat, a 5 pound box of Clementines, and 3 pounds of bananas.

I also stopped by Safeway to redeem my flour raincheck (Gold Medal unbleached flour for $1.50/5 lb.). The raincheck was good for 20 bags, but they only had 13 in stock. So, I bought 13 and got my raincheck rewritten for the other 7. The 13 bags of flour cost $19.50.

So, before I even set foot in Aldi and Weis, I’d spent $26.47. None of those groceries are pictured, but I do have a picture of my Aldi/Weis groceries.

At Aldi, I spent $47.80, and at Weis, I spent $54.50.

So, my total for this week is $128.77.

Oh dear.

I was $6 under budget over all for the month, so that means I’m $22.77 over budget. And that means that I need to spend $77.23 or less next week. I think I can do that, and quite obviously, the main reason I was over this week was my flour purchasing, which I don’t regret in the slightest.

For breakfast this week, we’ll be eating cinnamon oatmeal bread, oatmeal, pancakes, Cream of Wheat, and cereal. Lunches will be homemade whole wheat bread, homemade yogurt or yogurt smoothies, fruit, and leftovers as necessary.


Sunday (we’re visiting my husband’s grandmother and bringing the meal with us)


  • French Toast (made with challah this time)
  • Fried Mush
  • OJ



  • Broiled Tilapia fillets
  • Cheese Bread
  • green salad


  • Chipped Beef on Toast
  • green beans


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    Grocery Spending and Menu Plan | Warm Day Edition

    Saturday 30th of January 2010

    [...] I love!) there on the side while we talk about grocery spending. Let’s see…if you remember from last week, I was working with a limited budget ($77.23) this week, so I tried to plan a menu that required [...]

    Katy Wolk-Stanley

    Monday 25th of January 2010

    Challah on a Sunday?! Oy Vey!



    Sunday 24th of January 2010

    Just about out of whole wheat flour in my home, too. I hardly had enough to make bread this week and my daughter was very clear that I was not to make white bread. Thankfully, a co-worker was making a trip to Portland, Oregon this weekend and was planning a trip to Bob's Red Mill. She offered to pick me up some flour, too!!

    This is really my first time tracking food purchases and shooting for a goal of $150 a month as my food budget for a family of 1 adult and 1 teenager. I have about $30 left for the month. My goal for next month is to shop with cash only.


    Sunday 24th of January 2010

    Just out of curiosity - do you always buy single rolls of TP? I've found the price cheaper in multipacks. And, how much do your bananas cost per pound? All the stores in my area in FL charge $.49, my sister in IN pays $.59 and DIL in CT pays $.39. Seems like a wide price range and we like bananas.


    Sunday 24th of January 2010

    Here in OH our bananas are .49/lb.

    Frugal Liz

    Sunday 24th of January 2010

    I can't go to the store until next week, because I shop for two weeks now. I actually was mad at myself, because I went to Sams Club and mistakenly bought an extra box of gallon sized freezer bags! That was like $11 of my grocery money for the 2 weeks! I'm going to see if I can return it. Don't worry about overspending a little. You always buy such good food for your family.

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