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Grocery Spending, Menu Plan….the usual Saturday stuff.


I had a better week this week as far as my budget goes. I spent $38.65 at Aldi($2.50 of which was a grill brush, which is not really a grocery item!). And then at Weis I spent $25.07 so I’m at a mere $63.72 for this week. Yay!

I’ve had a really busy weekend…I played(piano) for a choir yesterday afternoon andthen I went straight to a wedding rehearsal(where I played the piano). Then today I have to play for the actual wedding, and tomorrow I will play for church, as usual. I’ve had busy fingers lately(which is good news for our emergency fund!).

Happily, the husband and I get to go out to dinner all by ourselves tonight, though! Some friends of ours are graciously taking our four kids for a few hours, and I am very excited. 🙂


  • I’m not cooking! We’re eating out, and we have $50 in gift cards, so I think our meal should be free.


  • French Toast
  • OJ


  • Chicken and vegetable stir-fry(veggies will be green beans, onions, carrots, and some green onions)
  • Brown rice
  • grapefruit halves


  • Grilled Bratwurst(on purchased buns. Can you tell I’ve been busy? I actually bought some bread this week!)
  • green salad
  • fresh pineapple


  • Chicken and Bacon panini(made with french bread)
  • Sweet and Spicy Carrots
  • grapes


  • Fajitas made with chicken and grilled vegetables
  • whatever fruit is on sale next week!


  • Thin Crust Pizza(and I will endeavor to take pictures this go-round so that I can post the recipe)
  • Root Beer
  • green salad

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    Frugal Liz

    Wednesday 6th of May 2009

    Root beer is my favorite soda too, but I haven't had any for a long time because of my teeth. Did you know that chicken and turkey are now steroid and hormone free by law? I think beef still has all that stuff, though. Why does beef have to be so good?!


    Monday 4th of May 2009

    Mary, I avoid hydrogenated oil and HFCS most of the time(although there IS our one weekly 2-liter of soda that has HFCS!). I can generally manage those two things without spending a lot of money.

    We do normally get milk straight from a cow on a local farm, but she's recently calved and so we have to buy milk from the store right now. I make my own yogurt, so when we can get that milk, we have local, hormone free milk AND yogurt.

    When I can get organic/not-mass-produced meats for a good price, I do, but so often, I can't really fit those into my budget. So, we end up just not eating a whole lot of meat.

    I think that you have to come to your own compromise between financial concerns and taste/quality'll be different for every family, I think.

    Mary Gamble

    Monday 4th of May 2009

    Hi Kristen,

    I really enjoy your blog and was hoping you could comment on your food choices and quality. I have a hard time buying cheap quality food such as meat that comes from crowded, mass-produced farms(for us, it doesn't have to be organic but at least higher standards than these farms offer) or dairy that has growth hormones added to it. I also stay away from hydrogented oil and high-fructose corn syrup in our food. These choices put our food costs a bit higher than yours and was wondering wear you stand on these issues?

    Thanks for your work on this website! Mary


    Monday 4th of May 2009

    Oh, shoot! I forgot!

    You DID see the spider in the flour picture back at Easter time, right?? It was blurry because I had a very wide aperture when I took the shot, but he was there.


    Monday 4th of May 2009

    Another week with no spider! Thanks again for crushing my one joy in life. ;)

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