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Grocery Spending/Menu Plan | 3.13

I took multiple photos again, since several of you said that was helpful.

First up, here’s my meat purchases for the week…pepperoni for pizza, and an all-natural chicken ($1.49/pound, which isn’t too bad for really good chicken).

Here’s my refrigerated stuff, which is all from Aldi. The red gallon of milk is for yogurt, and the other is for cereal and for cooking purposes.

This is my produce (the leafy stuff in back is a bunch of radishes, which my kids are newly fond of).

And here’s everything else.

I spent $63.87 at Aldi and $39.24 at Weis, which brings my total to $103.11; almost on budget.

Breakfasts this week will be yogurt, bananas, muffins, toast, and oatmeal. Lunches will be homemade yogurt, yogurt smoothies, fruit, sandwiches, and leftovers as necessary.

Dinners will be as follows:

Saturday-My husband’s family is coming over for another multi-birthday celebration (we have oodles of birthdays in February and March!), so we’re not having our usual Saturday night pizza.


  • We’re visiting some friends after church, so I have no idea what we’re eating! 😉

Monday-this meal got bumped from last week

  • BBQ Chicken
  • grilled vegetables
  • Cheddar Twists



  • Roasted whole chicken with stuffing
  • cranberry sauce
  • whatever produce needs using by then



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    Sunday 3rd of March 2013

    Kristen I always see you posting sandwiches for part of your lunches for the week. What kind of sandwiches do you guys have? I never see you purchase lunch meet so I was just wondering!


    Sunday 3rd of March 2013

    A lot of times, they're open-faced sandwiches, like with cream cheese and jam. Or maybe peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. I sometimes put leftovers on my sandwiches (using things like leftover grilled chicken) but the kids tend to prefer non-meat fare at lunch.


    Wednesday 27th of February 2013

    Hi, I was writing down the sandwich bread recipe and it stopped at about half way through (got to the first kneading). I was wondering what the rest of the recipe (and the ingredients) is. Thanks bunches.


    Simple in France

    Sunday 14th of March 2010

    Just curious: do you find that posting your weekly menu makes you more likely to follow the menu plan? I ask because I always start out with a plan . . .and then I just make whatever I feel like, often the food stretches farther than I thought etc.


    Sunday 14th of March 2010

    Kristen, we have started making our yogurt with whole milk from Aldi (instead of our usual skim) on your suggestions. I have to say, it IS much tastier! Much thicker and creamier and deliciousnessier, and now my partner is gobbling it up, too! And we made yogurt smoothies several times this past week (we'd made probably 2 gallons of yogurt for a party that didn't all get eaten) with frozen berries from last summer. Yum! How great is that - homemade yogurt smoothies with frozen berries picked at ripeness? woohooo!


    Sunday 14th of March 2010

    Kari - I'm going to ask this since you mentioned you're learning to cook. Have you tried roasting a chicken before? Even without stuffing it's one of the hardest dishes in a cook's repetoire.

    May I suggest a slightly different preparation, which makes the cooking a lot more realiable? It's Butterflied Chix over Stuffing. You cut the chix open, cook it flat, and make the stuffing separately.

    You cut the bird open along the backbone or see if the store will do it for you. Then you brine it (soak it in 1c. salt dissolved in 1 gal water for 4-12 hours) to make the meat moister and easier to cook. Lay the chix, skin up, on a roasting pan and roast till it's *almost* done. The BEST way to tell if it's done is to use a thermometer - the breast should be 155F (remember this is almost fully cooked meat). Then remove, cover with a tin foil tent, and let rest for 10-20 min; during the time the chix will finish cooking and the juices get reabsorbed into the meat, making it jucier.

    Meanwhile make and cook your stuffing in a roasting pan. It can - indeed should - cook at the same time as the chix.

    Spread the stuffing on a serving plate, lay the chix on top, put something pretty around the sides of the plate - presentation makes a bug difference in how food is perceived - and serve.

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