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Grocery Spending/Menu Plan | A birthday week at our house!

On Saturdays, I share my menu plan for the upcoming week along with a photo of my groceries and a tally of my spending. My goal is to spend $100/week for our food, toiletries, and cleaning products. I’m currently in the midst of trying to buy more local, sustainably-produced food while sticking to my budget. Can it be done? I don’t know, but I’m going to try, and I’ll share what I learn as I go along.

It’s the last birthday of the year here at the Frugal Girl household…5/6 of us celebrate our birthdays in three consecutive months at the beginning of the year (February, March, and April), but Joshua’s birthday is way out in September.

This week, Aldi got $37.70 of my grocery money, Weis got $32.55 and the produce stand got $8. So, my total for the week is $78.25, well under the $90 I had left in my grocery budget for this month. Yay!

These are my Aldi groceries:

(btw, our conclusion about the new Aldi version of SunChips is that they don’t taste like SunChips at all, but rather like a SunChip-shaped Bugle snack. Which is fine as long as you stop expecting them to taste like SunChips!)

And these are my Weis groceries.

Joshua had requested Doritos for next Saturday’s birthday meal with his friend, but lucky him! They were on sale buy 1 get 2 free, so he got to have 3 bags of chips, including the super spicy nacho ones he wanted to try (not that we will eat 3 entire bags of chips at a meal!).

I don’t have a picture of my produce stand food…I bought a watermelon and some green beans and it seems like I bought something else too but I can’t remember what! I also got a bag of tomatoes from my parents’ garden, and those are unphotographed as well.


  • Pizza…I’m just not sure what kind yet. 😉


  • We’ll be at my in-laws, and I think I’m just bringing a side dish. I should figure that out today, huh?

Monday-Some dear friends of ours (who have 3 kids of their own!) are staying with our kids overnight so that Mr. FG and I can go away by ourselves (we usually do this on our anniversary, but we’re a little late this year!). I’m leaving food for them, though. 😉

  • Stuffed shells
  • green salad
  • French Bread
  • Rice Krispy bars (that’s why I bought the Rice Krispies in the photo!)


  • Chicken/Bacon Wraps
  • fruit salad
  • probably some Doritos, since we have so many!



  • This is Joshua’s birthday, and he’s requested pizza. I’m also going to make him an Ice Cream Crunch cake because we’ll be having his official birthday cake on Saturday, when his best friend is over. 😉


Today’s 365 post: Sometimes, my bread doesn’t look so great.

Don't throw your bread away!

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    Sunday 29th of August 2010

    I see you got animal crackers during your trip to Aldi, is that a common item for you?? They seemed to have a lemon zest taste to me and my family I just couldn't get them again!! As for Aldi's version of Doritos you would have been better off getting 3 bags there for the price and for us they are much tastier. Personally for us we like them way better!! My hubby will eat them over regular Doritos now (which I wont buy even on sale like you got) because they are more crunchy and have a better taste! At 99 cents a bad you cant go wrong!!! :) Good to know about the sun chips though I will keep those off my list!!


    Saturday 28th of August 2010

    Had to laugh, my daughter said the Aldi Sunchips tasted like Bugles too!


    Saturday 28th of August 2010

    I really need to try Aldi's. We have a family of 6, have just moved and I am soooo used to the sales/shopping at my old grocery. I haven't figured the new store out yet, but there is an Aldi's right across the street that I must try. Just curious about when you buy your bulk stuff - wheat/flour, yeast, etc. Where do you get it from and do you post that in your weekly shopping posts?


    Saturday 28th of August 2010

    Glad to have found your site but your contact email on site is bouncing- can you help?


    Saturday 28th of August 2010

    Oh, nuts. My contact form isn't working?

    You can email me at and I'll get it that way!


    Saturday 28th of August 2010

    We have two "birthday seasons" and September is the second of them. My mother-in-law, father-in-law, my dad, and my husband are all in a 20 day span in September, not to mention my parents' anniversary as well. Things always get a little hectic and tight this time of year. Also I'm running out of flour obviously needed for cakes and a giant birthday cookie. I need to plan better for this next year!

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