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Grocery Spending/Menu Plan | Yay for off-weeks!

On Saturdays, I share my menu plan for the upcoming week along with a photo of my groceries and a tally of my spending. My goal is to spend $100/week for our food, toiletries, and cleaning products. I’m currently in the midst of trying to buy more local, sustainably-produced food while sticking to my budget. Can it be done? I don’t know, but I’m going to try, and I’ll share what I learn as I go along.

First, I just want to express my thanks for all the kind comments you guys left on Joshua’s 365 blog. He’s so pleased and encouraged, and I’m grateful to have such a lovely group of readers to share with my son. Mwah! to all of you.

Incidentally, yesterday his 365 blog got more hits than my own 365 blog! Joshua was quite in awe.

Now, on to the topic at hand. Last week I did a two-week shop and I’m so glad I did, because Mr. FG’s car has been in the shop for some repairs, leaving me car-less. So, it would have been kind of tough to get out to the store for a full shop.

I did run out the other night to a little local store to get milk, dish soap, bananas, and a few other things and I spent $13.91.

I don’t have a picture of those groceries, though, so instead, here’s my nephew. He’s eating lunch, so maybe we can consider these photos to be vaguely on topic (they have something to do with food!).

Breakfast this week will be the usual fare…whole wheat pancakes, oatmeal, scrambled eggs, cereal, muffins, homemade yogurt, and oranges/clementines (not all on the same day!).

Lunches will be sandwiches, homemade yogurt, fruit, and leftovers when necessary.

And dinners are as follows! I veered pretty far from my plan last week, so some of these dinners are bumped from that menu plan (I didn’t give in to takeout temptation…I just made different stuff than what I planned to make!).


  • We’re visiting Mr. FG’s grandma, and I think we’re ordering pizza.


  • We’re eating at the post-church potluck. Can you guess what I’m bringing??


  • Shrimp Burgers on buns
  • chips
  • green salad


  • Chicken Parmesan Risotto (I use the Cook’s Illustrated recipe)
  • garlic breadsticks
  • green beans


  • Asian Meatballs
  • brown rice
  • grapefruit halves



  • Takeout date night for Mr. FG and me, something easy for the kiddos.

Today’s 365 post: My niece is so angelic…

Don't throw your bread away!

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    Rachel H

    Monday 17th of January 2011

    Your nephew is totally awesome! =) Hee Hee

    Rebecca Kipe

    Saturday 15th of January 2011

    Kristen and others, wondering if you've heard of the craze Artisan Bread in 5 Minutes? i'm a new fan and have been making it constantly! here is the blog I recently found the info on: and here is the website of the chefs who figured out how to do this: i can't believe how easy it is and how delicious this bread is. i'm trying to use it for all the bread in our house - toast, sandwiches, etc. Is the chicken parmesan risotto recipe available?


    Sunday 16th of January 2011

    Yup! Making that is on my to-do list for this year.

    Tina (Tightwad Mom)

    Saturday 15th of January 2011

    Every week I try to follow my menu exclusively, but I invariably veer from the menu once or twice. I love the quote " Life is what happens, while your making plans". Some weeks that is just how it goes at my house. Usually, I fall back on a freezer entree that I stashed away when I doubled a casserole, soup, or chili recipe. It's my own version of fast food. Thank Heavens for crock pots. They are fabulous for thawing out freezer meals. My family are not big fans of real maple syrup, so I make my own syrup (4 cups sugar, 1 tsp. vanilla, 1 tsp. maple flavoring, 1 1/2 cups water. Bring to a boil until sugar dissolves. Cool and store left overs in the fridge. It thickens as it cools in the fridge.), which is cheap and easy to whip up while the pancakes are cooking. I store the extra syrup in a ketchup bottle that I washed out and reused. P.S. Your nephew is much cuter than a bunch of bananas!!!! :D


    Sunday 16th of January 2011

    That is true...a bunch of bananas pales in comparison. ;)


    Saturday 15th of January 2011

    Are you bringing the Chocolate Parfait bars??? ;) Thank you for posting that recipe...they are awesome!


    Saturday 15th of January 2011

    It all sounds good. Your nephew is adorable.

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