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Guess what I’ve been doing?

On Tuesdays and Thursdays, I post a picture and just a few words.

You know how I always put off using my photo book daily deals until the last minute? Well, I have this Picaboo deal that expires mid-February and guess what?

I actually started working on it…it’s about halfway done.

Yay me!

Anyway, I came across this picture while I was making my book, and I wanted to share it.

Jellyfish are just beautiful, aren’t they? The way they move around is so graceful…I could stare at them for a long time.



<strolls by and whistles nonchalantly>

I’m giving away a Kindle Fire HD today!!!!!!!!

Just click on that link right there to go enter.

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    Wednesday 22nd of January 2014

    This is a great deal!


    Thursday 16th of January 2014

    LOVE jellyfish, you can watch them for hours. The colours they turn are mesmerizing!

    Billie Riggs

    Wednesday 15th of January 2014

    That is great, please enter me to win. Thank you.

    Sheila Bryan

    Tuesday 14th of January 2014

    Please enter me!


    Tuesday 14th of January 2014

    Oh pick me pick me!

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