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Happy 4th!

Today is, you know, kind of a big national holiday here in the states.


(It also happens to be my blog’s birthday. You guys, it’s been six years.)

(What the what??)

(Also: Thank you for being lovely readers.   You are the best.)

Anyway, since many of you will be BBQ-ing and picnicking and such, how about I give you my Food Waste Friday report on Monday, when you all are back on the internets? 😉

sparkler writing

See ya then.   And have a lovely holiday, fellow Americans!

Don't throw your bread away!

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    Katie | The Surly Housewife

    Sunday 6th of July 2014

    Happy belated 4th and blogiversary!!!!

    Heather @ My Overflowing Cup

    Sunday 6th of July 2014

    Congratulations! 6 years - WOW! That's wonderful.


    Saturday 5th of July 2014

    Happy Birthday, Frugal Girl blog! I hope you have many more.


    Saturday 5th of July 2014

    Thank you! You've been around here almost as long as I have. ;)


    Friday 4th of July 2014

    Have a great weekend!


    Friday 4th of July 2014

    Happy anniversary! I'm so grateful to have this blog for support and wonderful ideas! Thank you! And Happy 4th!

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