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Happy Birthday to my blog! + 7 links, ProBlogger style

Toddler Zoe sitting in front of a striped fish birthday cake.
(‘scuse the poor quality of this picture…it’s the only 2-candle birthday picture I have! But please do enjoy the cuteness that is a 2-year old Zoe.)

Somehow, I sort of let my blog’s birthday slip by, but The Frugal Girl was born over at on July 3rd, 2008. 754 posts, 11,976 comments, and 1,320,000 hits later, it’s now over 2 years old. Goodness. It doesn’t seem like I’ve been blogging for that long!

I’m grateful for you, my dear readers, who help make this site what it is. Except for the rare rotten apple that stops by, you are a group of encouraging, helpful people, and I’m so thankful for that (especially when I see the tough audiences that some other bloggers have!).

So, thanks for reading, commenting, and sharing my blog with others. Mwah!

Now, that would be sort of short for a post, so I thought I’d add something else. Darren from Problogger invited all of us to join him in posting 7 links from our own sites, and though I don’t usually do this sort of thing, I thought it might be fun to participate!

1. Your first post

The first post I ever wrote on The Frugal Girl was about refashioning some khaki pants into skirts…one for me, and one for Lisey. The actual date on this post is now April of 2009 because I had to republish it after moving to a self-hosted blog (somehow in the move, the pictures had gotten lost).

2. A post you enjoyed writing the most

That’s hard to say! I have fun writing almost all of the posts I share here, but I’d probably say that I enjoy doing photo-heavy posts the most, especially posts where I just share a little peek into our lives, like How We Picnic, or the tour of my backyard.

3. A post which had a great discussion

My Why I Don’t Think Having 4 Kids is Un-Green post had a 160-comment lively discussion going. I think the second most-discussed post is the one I wrote about why I don’t shop at Wal-Mart.

4. A post on someone else’s blog that you wish you’d written

I’m going to go with The NonConsumer Advocate’s Love Letter to Tap Water. I don’t talk about it a lot, but I think bottled water is an enormous and unnecessary waste of resources and money for all but a small portion of the population. Buy a Klean Kanteen and a Brita filter…your wallet and the earth will thank you. 🙂

5. A post with a title that you are proud of  

I don’t know. I don’t think I’m particularly fabulous at writing catchy post titles here (I’m more pleased with some of the titles I’ve put on some 365 posts, which is odd, because often they’re only one word!).

I suppose I’d go with Oh Kleenex! I am disappointed in you. if I had to choose one from this blog.

6. A post that you wish more people had read

I really can’t think of a post that fits this criteria…to be honest, I rarely have high expectations for my blog readership, and I’m just happy that anyone reads what I post!

But if you asked me which post I hope that people will read, I’d probably offer up It Doesn’t Have To Be Perfect To Bless Other People, My Thoughts on Mothering and Wifing, and my post about why I don’t think you have to make yogurt.

These posts are more theoretical than practical (which is sort of unusual for me!), but I like that they represent some of the thoughts and ideas that make this blog (and me) tick.

7. Your most visited post ever

When I posted my recipe for Ice Cream Crunch Cake, I never in a million years expected that it would become my most popular post ever, but it has! Close behind that is my How To Paint Wooden Furniture tutorial, which is more the type of post I thought would win the most popular award.

Now I’m curious to know something…what is your favorite type of post to read? Do you like baking posts? Picture posts? Sewing posts? Photography posts? What-Makes-Me-Tick posts? And if you care to share, I’d love to know which Frugal Girl post has been your favorite so far.

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    Sunday 30th of January 2011

    I am just settling in to gleaning all I can from your website. I love it! Our lives seem very similar. I am 32, mother of 4, wife to one. And I too serve and love Jesus. =) I'm a StayAHM, love to take pictures and I'm wanting to start blogging for a little additional income, but don't know where to start. I have a blog already but it is mostly for my local scrapbooking ladies. I just started some ING accts because of you too. I would say my favorite part of your blog is the realness of it all. I love that you are frugally minded. We kind of have to be with 4 kids. I love that you are disciplined. Something I am trying to do myself....with much agony. And I love that you are a do-er. Reinventing furniture with a little paint instead of breaking the budget to buy something new. Thanks for blogging. I'm learning alot. Not sure if I can do the getting up at 4:45 though....I'm more of a night owl, not morning dove. =)


    Sunday 25th of July 2010

    I really enjoy the baking posts! I had never made bread until I read your blog. I've been following your blog since the 700 Club and I really enjoy it! You've been very inspiring. Thanks for sharing your life w/ us...


    Friday 23rd of July 2010

    Oh, let's see ... favorite past posts... the yogurt making (you are SO RIGHT that whole milk makes better yogurt, we make it now about once a month at our house), the wooden furniture redoing, the donut "holes", the daily chronicles (it's so nice to know I'm not the only one going to bed early to wake up really early), the grocery ones.. My favorites are the daily chronicles and the grocery pictures and lists. Especially with stuffed animals.


    Friday 23rd of July 2010

    Congratulations on TWO years, may you continue for years to come. I like your How to posts, how to use picasa, how to refinish furniture, sewing how tos, anything about repurposing or great finds at the thrift store. Linda


    Friday 23rd of July 2010

    Congrats!! I have been out of town and missed reading your blog every morning -- it was too fun to come back and scroll back through a couple weeks of posts. Browsing back through your highlighted 7 posts just reminded me of why i read here -- you're a fabulous writer! And you ping pong delightfully from frugal to aesthetic to funny to philosophical without missing a beat. Your responses to the "Why having 4 kids is okay" post were a lesson in gracious counterpoint.

    I really enjoy all the posts -- the variety is compelling. And the great pictures! Bravo and cheers!

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