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Hello, CBN viewers!

Welcome to those of you who found my blog through the Money Mondays piece that aired today. I’m glad to have you here. 🙂

If you want to know more about me, check out my About Me page (such a creative name, isn’t it???). And if you like what you see and you don’t want to miss any future posts, you can subscribe and get my posts delivered via email each day.

Update: The video is now available! Money-Saving Tips from The Frugal Girl

Don't throw your bread away!

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    Saturday 5th of June 2010

    my husband works at cbn and told me i had to look at your website! I LOVE IT. i am a confessed-not-so-creative-or-crafty mom but i have the desire to create a warm and wonderful home for my new/young family. i currently really stink at it and looking at your blog has given me a whole new excitement about turning our place around! im especially looking forward to how to make holidays special and wonderful...keep it up!!


    Sunday 21st of March 2010

    what a fantastic (FAN.TAS.TIC!!!) interview! and how inspiring :) my husband & i are just beginning our lives together (after 3 years of marriage & army + school obligations putting us 3 states away from each other!)...& i'm so excited to fall into good, frugal, & healthy habits right off the bat. i'll be visiting often (via Google Reader) to glean more household & grocery wisdom from you. and God Bless you for your ministry...for opening up your home & your heart!


    Monday 1st of March 2010

    Wonderful job! I love your blog and you have given me many ideas. This is so timely since I recently became disabled due to injury and lost my job. You are a natural, but kudos to you for turning down reality tv! Keep blogging and I'll keep following.

    Link-O-Rama Mama

    Monday 1st of March 2010

    [...] a terrific piece about how she and her family are “cheerfully living on less.” Click here to watch the short [...]


    Friday 26th of February 2010

    You go girl!! That was wonderful. Your family must be awfully proud of you. You should be proud of yourself. Just think that you got to share your faith with millions of people!! Thanks so much for all you do.

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