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Hello, dear readers!

It’s been a crazy last couple of days…Friday I spent the day at the park with my sister and her kids, Saturday I had a very busy day in the kitchen doing prep work for the next few days, Sunday we went to church and then directly after church we headed down to my in-laws for a multi-birthday celebration. Then on Monday our friends from church came to stay with our kids so that Mr. FG and I could go away overnight. We got back yesterday and I spent my evening unpacking.

And now it’s today, and I have absolutely, positively no baking stuff to share with you because I have had no time to bake!

Instead, I offer up a few pictures of our afternoon on Sunday.

We were celebrating Joshua’s birthday and his great grandma’s birthday. This great-grandma loves crabs, so we had a big platter as part of our meal.

Lisey needed some help from her grandma.

I was helping Sonia, but she decided she really preferred just to pick the claws of the crabs, which was fine with me!

After our meal, the sun was still shining brightly, so we got out the slip and slide.

My kids like to get a really, really good running start. 😉

Joshua flew over the end of the slip and slide a few times.

But Zoe didn’t get even close. 😉 She goes way back, runs full speed, and then comes to an almost complete stop before hopping onto the slip and slide.

After we were done with the slip and slide, we had a cheesecake for dessert (Joshua requested the cherry cheesecake recipe that I’ve shared with you before).

I hadn’t seen my mother-in-law for a while, so I had to show her my new camera body and also my Lightscoop.
This is my husband’s grandma with bare flash.

And with the LightScoop.

I love this little tool for situations where the ambient light is not sufficient for a picture. (You can see more before and after pictures on my post about the Lightscoop).

Just so you know, no one paid me to talk about the Lightscoop…I’m showing you these pictures because I think it’s a really great affordable camera tool and because I love to see comparison shots with and without the Lightscoop. 😉

I took my camera with me on our overnight trip, but amazingly enough, I took exactly 0 pictures. I’m not sure what came over me!

The next few days look to be almost as busy as the last few have been, but hopefully I’ll be able to squeeze in some blogging time. And hopefully next Wednesday’s post will actually be about baking!

(p.s. If you hop on over to my review blog and share your quick breakfast tips, you can be entered to win a $50 Visa gift card.)

Today’s 365 post: Zoe in the kitchen.


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    Wednesday 1st of September 2010

    We lived in Maryland for four years while my husband was in the navy (he was born and raised in Bel Air), and the thing I miss more than anything is eating crabs (and other seafood, too). I loved sitting outdoors at a picnic table, cracking the shells and being messing, but enjoying all that good crabmeat.

    Great pictures!


    Wednesday 1st of September 2010

    Oh no fair tormenting us with that crab picture! YUM!!

    Frugal Liz

    Wednesday 1st of September 2010

    Kristen, My church does do a lot of group type activities. I wasn't trying to make you feel bad for me, see I have a sensory processing disorder that makes it difficult for me to do a lot of "normal" activities. I'm extremely sensitive to bright lights, noise, temperature, smells, textures...etc. I'm usually pretty much at peace with it, but sometimes when I see pictures or descriptions of people enjoying such an effortlessly "normal" day, it makes me wish I could be more "normal." I suppose we all have our cross to bear!


    Friday 17th of September 2010

    Liz, my son (9) and I have Sensory Processing Disorder too (he's just been diagnosed by an OT and I'm diagnosing myself too at age 43 because I've done so much reading on it lately and totally understand what I've been feeling all my life now!) so I know just what you mean. I have a small family and we don't get together often, but my husband has a lot of cousins and when they get together (like last week for the Jewish New Year), the cacophony and chaos make me and my son insane. Those big family celebrations look good in pictures but are torture for me. My son sought refuge in a book (I would have, too, but that's not socially acceptable at my age!) and I muddled through until we could get home. But I literally did not want to talk to anyone, even my husband and son, the rest of the day (had to force myself to) and I was out of sorts for just have to accept yourself and your limitations and know there are other areas in which you can enjoy yourself and excel!

    Condo Blues

    Wednesday 1st of September 2010

    My favorite way to eat seafood is on a picnic table instead of a restaurant. When you're eating outside, you can get those little bits of crab from the shell by any means possible, which isn't always so pretty and dainty :)

    Frugal Liz

    Wednesday 1st of September 2010

    Whenever you talk about your daily life, it always reveals to me that my own life is very lonely. C'est la vi!


    Wednesday 1st of September 2010

    Aww, Liz! I'm sorry. :(

    We are very blessed to live near family members all live within a half hour, and my husband's relatives are only a hour or two away. And of course, we have our church family too. Does your church feel like a family to you? It's not exactly a substitute for family members, but a good church body is a great thing to have!

    If you lived by me, I'd hang out with you!

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