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Hello from a refreshed me!

A no-school weekend

Well, hey there, everyone!

Kristen smiling.

You guys. I had a weekend with no work shifts and no studying to do and it was SO NICE.

cat looking out window.

I got the non-school parts of my life in order and I feel so much more peaceful now. Yay!

I got my house cleaned up.

tidy bedroom.

I paid bills and did some blog-related tax stuff.

I did all my laundry.

I got all my pre-work for Pediatrics done and submitted (it’s ungraded stuff, so no stress.)

I bought symphony tickets for some upcoming concerts.

I used my real camera!

cat yawning.

I scheduled my work shifts for the next two pay periods (and that takes me to the end of the semester!)

I went to the gym.

running track at gym.

something I don’t do at the gym: run on the track. Ha.

I went for some walks downtown.

sunrise on a river.

brown door with a fall wreath.

red mums in a basket.

I guess it wasn’t an entirely school-free weekend because while I was driving to and from the gym, I did listen to some pediatrics podcasts from Straight A Nursing.

Because we know I can’t resist the urge to work ahead a bit. 😉

Mainly, I felt the freedom of having no exams hanging over my head!

My life is anti-routine at the moment

On one of my walks this weekend, I listened to Laura Vanderkam’s podcast with Cal Newport.

As they discussed their routines (things like setting aside a particular morning each week for a certain task, or setting a hard and fast quitting time), I was struck by how little this advice applies to me in this particular phase of life!

With normal college classes, you can settle into a routine. But there is not a single week of nursing school so far that has been the same.

Which means I never get into a groove.

pink flowers.

Basically, I live my life seven days at a time. I map out a week at a time on my planner, putting in lectures, labs, clinicals, and exams, plus Zoe’s work schedule and mine.

Then I figure out where I can fit in walking and working out. And things like studying and blogging just happen whenever I have time. Honestly, they fill in most of the cracks.

My routine-oriented self loves the idea of doing particular things at particular times every week. But for right now, I have to be flexible.

For example, sometimes I get to the gym at 6 am, sometimes I go in the afternoon after clinical, sometimes I go mid-morning, sometimes I do an at-home workout…it just depends on what’s happening that week.

If I got hung up on the belief that predictability was necessary for productivity*, I’d be screwed right now.

But I do hope that once I finish school, I can find a groove with at least a little bit more predictability. 🙂

*to be clear, I don’t think Laura/Cal are trying to say it’s necessary, just that it’s helpful. And I do agree.

Get 25% off Knix this week!

This week, you can get 25% off your first-time purchase at Knix by using the code Ambassador25.

Knix makes period underwear and also regular undies. They’re also the company that makes the thigh-saver shorts I love for wearing under summer dresses.

knix thigh savers.

Click here to see all the underwear options they offer.

The bikini style is my favorite for both regular and period underwear.

And if you want to buy a set of period underwear to get you started, click here to see all the sets Knix offers (all of them are cheaper than buying the items individually.)

I wrote a post about period underwear a while back, but I included the Thinx brand in that one, and they have since had a lawsuit over their products containing PFAs. So, I would stick with Knix instead. The post I wrote might still be helpful if you are trying to learn about period underwear, though!

Don’t forget to use the Ambassador25 code before you check out; it doesn’t automatically apply through any of these links.

A Knix P.S.: I have tried some of their bras, but as a rule, I don’t like the way they fit me. Click here and look at her right boob (on the left side of the picture). The same thing happens to me with most Knix bras, and I kinda wonder if their designs just work better for people who have had fewer birthdays and/or have not breastfed any babies. In other words….a higher level of firmness. Heh.

I spoke some Spanish to a patient

duolingo streak screenshot.

I hit 600 Duolingo days earlier this month!

I introduced myself, told him I speak a little Spanish, and asked him if he speaks any English. (He said no.)

His family members were there most of the day to help translate, but I still did manage to say a few things directly to him in Spanish, and it was correct enough for him to understand. Yay me!

My 600+ days on Duolingo are doing something for me. 🙂

Annnnnnd now I’m on to peds

As you read this, I’m probably at pediatrics orientation.

The few days of a break were lovely, and I don’t really feel like diving back into school because I know these eight-week classes are all-consuming.

But I’m reminding myself that in just eight weeks, I’ll be done with this semester. Then I get a five-week winter break (woohoo!), and after that, I only have one more semester to get through.

I can do this.

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Wednesday 23rd of October 2024

I, too, am in an unscheduled, unpredictable time in my life so I get it. I much prefer routine but right now it's not happening. I struggle with it a bit but just have to keep going. I was explaining to my husband that I always feel a "day late and a dollar short" but he is the opposite of me so he just doesn't get it. I am so happy for you that you could play catch up and get organized - I never thought that would be my dream but it is right now. (Hopefully this weekend for me!)


Monday 21st of October 2024

Youโ€™ve got this! So glad you had a weekend to catch up with home life and to relax a little. Hopefully you will breeze right through the next 8 weeks and be able to take a nice vacation during the winter break. In the meantime we will all be here cheering you on!


Monday 21st of October 2024

Am I seeing a bit of feline bias? Or is the other not a fan of publicity?


Tuesday 22nd of October 2024

Well, Shelley is Zoe's constant companion and Chiquita is mine. Soooo....I take more pictures of Chiquita!

If you peeked through Zoe's camera roll, it would be the opposite situation. :)


Monday 21st of October 2024

Come work in IT. Your nursing school schedule is an actual schedule. While you schedule work shifts, you get to pick the time. No idea if your work life will include scheduled on-call weeks. Or calls when you are not on-call (it happens). There are certain professions that never will be 8 am to 5 pm, Monday thru Friday. Upside, you're children, for the most part, are grown. That does allow you concentrate on your studies/work shifts. I have a better half who is a gem - cooks, grocery shops, cleans, helped his aging parents, has helped mine (as well as elderly neighbors and a couple of my elderly relatives). You're flying solo. I agree a tidy house is good for one's mental state (trust me, I had piles after my mom passed away). But remember these words of wisdom from my late mother - if you don't move anything, no one will know you've not dusted. For you, home stretch, light at the end of the tunnel that is not a freight train. Despite being a female with kids, the ob-gyn rotation would have been my very, very, very least favorite. But as in IT, there are jobs that someone has to do.


Monday 21st of October 2024

@Selena, ugh YOUR children.


Monday 21st of October 2024

You are killing it, Kristen!

Your 600 day streak is incredibly impressive. As busy as you've been and you've not missed a day? That is dedication. I'm also using Duolingo for Spanish and am currently on day 92 and maintaining that has been a struggle at times.

Chiquita is such a cutie.

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