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Hey friends!

Sorry for dropping off the face of the planet there for a few days.

We headed out spur of the moment for some R&R at a relative’s house for the week, and so I didn’t have any blog posts prepped like I usually do when I’m away.

daisy bridal shower flowers

Anyway, I just wanted to pop in to let you know I’m still kickin’, since some of you emailed to ask where I was.

I should be back at my keyboard on Monday.   See you then!


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    Karen B.

    Friday 3rd of August 2018

    Hope you are having fun! Maybe a jigsaw puzzle or two as well!


    Thursday 2nd of August 2018

    Glad you're off for something fun! You've been missed. :) Enjoy the time away!


    Thursday 2nd of August 2018

    I was hoping all was ok!

    Lily | The Frugal Gene

    Thursday 2nd of August 2018

    Everyone deserves a break! Have fun!


    Thursday 2nd of August 2018

    Glad to hear you were missing for a good reason! I was praying your family was not sick.

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