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Hi. My name is Kristen, and I love clearance bins.

On Tuesdays and Thursdays, I post a picture and just a few words.

I’m not a shopper by nature (let me stay home any day!), but I do have a fondness for clearance bins/shelves/racks.

While they’re often filled with odd merchandise, you can sometimes find gems for a bargain price.

One of the locally owned grocery stores here has a cart filled with marked-down merchandise and I always rifle through it.   Sometimes I walk away empty-handed, but the other day, I found a bunch of apricot preserves (the fancy kind, even, made with real sugar) for $0.50/jar.

So I bought seven.

clearance apricot jam

And actually, I’m kind of kicking myself for not buying more, because jam keeps for a long, long time.

(I fear that more than seven jars would have brought on some eye-rolling from Mr. FG.   Actually, he’d probably have rolled his eyes at my seven jars, except I don’t know that he saw them. ;))

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    Rebecca Revely

    Sunday 30th of August 2015

    I recently found cereal for $1.49 a box...the FAMILY size of Cinnamon Toast Crunch! You bet I put six of this boxes in my cart! I would've taken more if I didn't think we'd be sick of it by box 12, lol! :D

    Rebecca Revely

    Sunday 30th of August 2015

    *those boxes I really should proofread my comments, lol!

    monique richard

    Monday 3rd of August 2015

    When I have too much bananas (no more room in freezer lor baking) I cut them in thick slices and feed the composter with them. Mix well with the stuff already there. Once a local store gave me a case of bananas. They all went in the composter.... it heats it up so much that I could feel the heat from the bin. Same process can done with other fruits or veggies providing there is no molds on them. It would kill the life of the composter. Cut the molds out.

    Sometimes, a local small produce stores, accept a very small amount of money - sometimes give them away - for boxes of food they would throw away. (Monday mornings are good for this - or day before gargabe collection. It pays off to buy from small stores.... Their prices are on average lower than big box stores; Chinese/Vietnamese are my favourite.

    BTW large stores often have a policy of not giving away food (health/safety/profit).


    Friday 31st of July 2015

    My fave find was telescoping marshmallow sticks in the dollar bin at Target. Lo these many years ago my friend had mentioned wanting some for her summer car camping trips, and finally I could get them for her.

    Too bad the dollar bins at Target are now $1 *or* $3. You have to look closely to see if the thing is a bargain or not.


    Friday 31st of July 2015

    I can't walk past a clearance bin - but they can get me in trouble. With food my mantra is "It's not a bargain if you bin it" - sure it may be cheap, but am I REALLY going to eat all that? Saying that I bought two bags of organic, fair trade bananas at the supermarket today at more than 60%. They are going straight in my freezer for baking at a later date.


    Thursday 30th of July 2015

    Woah, at 0.50$ each I would have got them all and put them in the freezer.

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