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On Tuesdays and Thursdays, I post a picture and just a few words.

Easter egg hunts are tricky to photograph because children are usually running every which way.   But I love this brief moment of stillness…you can see she’s pausing to give it some thought.

stumped egg hunter

P.S. Do you recognize the shirt she’s wearing?   It’s one of the shirts I skinny-fied.)

P.P.S. Thank you so much for all of your helpful tips for our upcoming Disney trip.   You guys are the best!)

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    Tuesday 22nd of April 2014

    Kristen,I am so happy you are using your surprise $ for a family trip!! These years with the kids will go by sooo fast. Investing in family time and memories.. you will never ever regret it!! Have a fabulous time. .so many good tips in the posts here.. I am sure you will have much to report when you get back! :-)

    Gladys (The Pinay Mom)

    Tuesday 22nd of April 2014

    She's probably thinking...Hmmm....where should I start?


    Tuesday 22nd of April 2014

    Hi I know you have used the glass straws. Did you see the quiz for earth day where you could get $6 off a straw. It was a quick and easy quiz, read and answer some questions. They sent the coupon code right after I submitted.


    Tuesday 22nd of April 2014

    Love the picture! I got great pictures of my 2 1/2 year old granddaughter, Olivia, hunting eggs, because every time she saw one on the ground, she leaned over, peered at it closely, and THEN picked it up and put it in her basket! Cutest thing ever!


    Tuesday 22nd of April 2014

    And so perfect if you're trying to take pictures. ;)


    Tuesday 22nd of April 2014

    you may want to check out . it has every bit of info on wdw that you could ever want. It includes closures and updates . Fastpass info . wonderful site. Also when you go , stop by City Hall in the Magic Kingdom and you can pick up a pin that says my first visit.. great souviner ( and free!!!) . have a great time

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