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How I’m doing on my bucket list (with 7 days to go!)

As I told you last week, I still have some lingering stuff on my bucket list, and I’m really, really trying to get it knocked out before school starts.

I got a slow start last week, but on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, I made some progress. Yay!

1. Declutter my house.

Last week, I said that I’d still like to declutter the laundry room and the under-the-steps-closet/storage area.   And maybe the kitchen.

The most pressing issue was the laundry room.


laundry room

You may remember that the laundry room seems to turn into a pressing issue about, um, every six months or so.


But Lisey helped me work on it, and we are getting rid of lots and lots of stuff, so maaaaaybe this time, the cleanliness will stick around.   I think my problem before is that I’ve hurriedly organized things rather than actually doing a bunch of decluttering.

But I am being ruthless this summer!   Ruthless, I tell you!

All Of The Things Must Go.

(Or at least most of them.)

My front steps looked like a yard sale zone yesterday with all the stuff I set out for freecycle pickups.

Anyway, I hope to finish getting rid of laundry room stuff this week and also at least get to the under-the-stairs closet.


3. Paint Sonia and Zoe’s room.

Last week, I hung curtains, painted a chalkboard wall, and filled, sanded and painted the old curtain rod holes.

Sonia and Zoe's room


Today, the three-day wait period is up and we can color on the chalkboard wall after we condition it. Yay!   So, look for after photos of their room on Wednesday this week.

10. Finish odds and ends left from the wood floor project.

10. Hire Someone.

Mr. FG and I have definitely decided to at least get an estimate.   If it’s reasonable, we are so there.   Here are our dollars.   Please just get this project off of our backs.

stain stairs

13. Plan for the next school year.

DONE.   A big fat box of books should show up at our house this week.

15. Teach my girls how to use the sewing machine.

Have not done this yet. But a reader sent this cute tutorial along, and I think I might have my girls give it a try.

(Please note: Sonia and Lisey have asked how to use the sewing machine. Joshua and Zoe have not, but I’d teach them if they were interested. So, this isn’t a sexist item on my bucket list as some of you have worried, but rather an item based off of my children’s desires. I’m not big into pigeon-holing tasks based on gender. After all, I’m not afraid to fix washing machines and dryers. ;))

16. Redo chore lists.

Still gotta get this done this week.   I mean, I did put new, coordinating paper in Sonia and Zoe’s framed list, but the actual chore designations are so last year.

chore lists

(I hang their chore lists on their walls.)

I can totally knock that out this week, though.


So! I’ve got seven days left.   Fortunately, I’m a person motivated by deadlines.   And public accountability.   Which means the odds are good that I’ll get this stuff done.

(As always, if you want more frequent updates on my progress, come hang out with me on Instagram. We have an awful lot of fun over there…you can ogle my clutter, see Mr. FG’s unstylish shorts, and more.)

(I’m thefrugalgirl on Instagram. Obv.)

Have you got any stuff (fun or productive!) that you’re trying to knock out before summer’s end?   Do share!

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    Tuesday 25th of August 2015

    10. Finish odds and ends left from the wood floor project. 10. Hire Someone.

    The way you presented this made me chuckle. Also, I think you're being a great frugal role model by reassessing your decision and openly going through the process by which you determine whether "make" or "buy" is the right choice for you. Great example of how frugal means spending wisely, rather than never spending.


    Monday 24th of August 2015

    That wall color is GORGEOUS! Best part of all is that your girls collaborated and negotiated, learning one of life's important lessons at an early age. Not only that, you and Mr. FG were good parents to keep shopping in order to complete the collaborations. I'm not sure I would have had that much patience. ;-)

    sheila payne

    Monday 24th of August 2015

    The girls' bedroom looks great, I love the color ya'll chose.


    Monday 24th of August 2015

    Thank you!


    Monday 24th of August 2015

    I just cleaned my garage, and FINALLY took a mound of stuff that I had set to the side over to Goodwill. I can, for the first time, park in my garage. I'm so SO happy to declutter.

    I'm really good about getting rid of clothes, and if they're newer styles, I even take them to Plato's Closet or Clothes Mentor and sell. You might try looking for some clothes for yourself or Lisey there. They're more expensive than Goodwill, but the variety is nice and they're really recent styles. (Our Goodwill in town is a handful of years or so away from the current trends, so I don't often have luck there!).


    Monday 24th of August 2015

    I'll have to check that out...maybe we have one close by.

    Yay for parking in your garage!!


    Monday 24th of August 2015

    Our school books won't be here for another week so I'm going to paint my daughters room! Plastic is down, primer is out and we are going to pick a color today! If ou can do it I can do it :) I don't need a mustache!

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