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How much I have saved on diapers so far.

Potty Girl has had a bit of a setback in the last day or two. Sigh. While we were on vacation, she was in pull-ups pretty much fulltime, and towards the end of the week, I could tell she was getting less and less motivated about getting to the toilet in time. Now that we’re home, she’s back in underwear except at bedtime, and in the last 48 hours, she’s had accidents on the futon, on a living room chair, and in a bedroom(and also down the hall, as she decided to run towards the bathroom…augh!) and I’m feeling a wee bit very frustrated.

So, I thought I should sit down and calculate how much money I’ve saved so far with the potty training, to reinspire myself. Previously I calculated that I was spending about $1.11 a day, so since July 30th(the day I started potty training) I’ve saved $61.05 and I’ve kept 330 diapers out of the landfill. Those numbers are much more encouraging on the green end of things than they are on the frugal end. However, in a year’s time I will have saved up $404, which isn’t too shabby. $404 is only $140 less than what it costs to rent a beach-front condo in September….and we have been pondering whether or not we could swing two weeks at the beach next year. Hmmm. I’ll have to talk with the husband and see about socking away the diaper money for that purpose. An extra week’s vacation is pretty good motivation to hang in there with the potty training!

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    Wednesday 16th of November 2011

    Suprised to hear you don't use cloth diapers?


    Wednesday 16th of November 2011

    I didn't! It's sort of a long story, but if I had it to do over again, and if I'd had a washing machine when we had our first baby, I'd have used cloth. :)

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