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I bought long underwear. Oh yes.

I thought we could, perhaps, use a lighter topic after yesterday’s post (which, at the time of this writing had 99 comments! Heavens.).

I am now the proud owner of some CuddlDuds. Yay! This is the brand that many of you recommended to me when I asked for long underwear advice.

A few weeks ago at Goodwill, I almost thought I’d scored a pair…I found the packaging for a pair of CuddlDuds leggings, but sadly, the package was empty. I searched through the bins of Target goods, hoping to find the actual product but my searching was in vain.

So, I decided to march myself over to the mall and plunk down the money for a new pair. Happily, I had a coupon for $5 off any purchase at Sears (we got it because Sears didn’t get our chest freezer out from the warehouse as quickly as they promised), and I had a Sears gift card.

Even better, when I got to Sears, I found that the long underwear was all on sale (yay!). I tried on several different styles before settling on the really stretchy microfiber variety. Between my coupon and my gift card, I didn’t have to pay anything out of pocket for these, which was lovely.

Overall, I’m very happy with my leggings…I do feel much warmer when I wear them, and since they’re so thin and stretchy, it’s not at all uncomfortable to wear them underneath my jeans. However, the top of them does bear a remarkable resemblance to what we unceremoniously refer to as “granny panties”, so I try to avoid looking in the mirror whenever my CuddlDuds are visible. 😉 I assume the very high waisted (and unflattering!) design of these is for the purpose of keeping me warm when I bend over or lift my arms, so I won’t complain too much about the lack of style.

Since the leggings are working out so well, I’m considering the purchase of a CuddlDuds undershirt. I was thinking of maybe getting the sleeveless sort because I worry that adding another long sleeve to the two I currently wear would get annoying (I usually wear a long tank top, a long-sleeved shirt, and then a long-sleeved fleece/sweater). If I decide to go that route, I’ll let you know what I think.

Thank you all for sharing your long underwear wisdom with me…my warm and toasty legs are grateful!

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    Joyce Howden

    Saturday 6th of February 2010

    These look warm!

    Compact UK

    Friday 5th of February 2010

    I couldn't imagine winters without my leggins... The Japanese now call it "heat-tech" which sounds far more fashionable, don't you think? :)


    Friday 5th of February 2010

    I have never had cuddle duds, but I wear tights or leggings under pants a lot. And I love my flannel lined jeans! super toasty and not bulky at all.

    Tammy Brackett

    Friday 5th of February 2010

    My sister gifted me with a snuggly cuddleduds turtle neck tee. I have it on right now, along with a camisole, a short sleeve tee, a long sleeve turtle neck and a knee length knitted sweater. My bottom "layer" (if you will) starts with the obvious, then tights, then knee socks, then short socks and tennis shoes. Yes, it's cold in Virginia and it is snowing AGAIN. I find layering is just the thing for winter.


    Friday 5th of February 2010

    I had a pair of Cuddleduds once (introduced by a friend) but also experienced the granny-panties phenomenon where they came all the way up to right under my boobs! That was not a very sexy image do I folded them over but then there was so much of material like a spare tire around my belly that I eventually gave up on them. Too bad, becuase they were indeed warm. Now I just use a pair of capri tights if I want to stay warm.

    I always wondered if I could get rid of the extra material but I'm not a good seamstress and never got to it. Do you think you can use your sewing skills to customize your Cuddleduds to fit you better Kristen?

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