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I have neither grocery shopped nor menu planned.

I was going to do all that yesterday, but it was a lovely, cooler day and my friend called to see if I wanted to go to the park.

And since I’m trying to be better about dropping dutiful work to go and do fun things, we went to the park.

This particular park has a bunch of animals who are taken care of by a 4-H club.

These goats were making me laugh with the way they stick their heads through the fence to nibble on the grass (even though there’s plenty of the exact same stuff inside the fence. The grass is always greener even for goats, apparently.).

Amazingly enough, they don’t get their horns stuck when they pull their heads back in.

Here’s a photo from Zoe:

And one from Sonia.

Ok, I’m off to menu-plan!

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Today’s 365 post: Taking pictures of people on swings is tricky.


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    LeeAnn @ Living the Dream

    Monday 15th of August 2011

    Go for you and being spontaneous and going to the park! I'm not very good at that myself, its something my husband reminds me (a lot) that I need to work on.



    Saturday 13th of August 2011

    Hurray for 4-H! I was wondering why you don't have the kids enrolled and thought perhaps your state didn't have it. Here in Oregon, they have 4-H clubs for cooking, sewing, horticulture and many, many more topics. This is something that would work very well with homeschooling...I am a 4-H leader and find it works very well with science curriculum and teaches our members so much about leadership as well.


    Saturday 13th of August 2011

    Lol. What day of the week do you menu plan? I find that if I write the menu and list on Thursday, I remember things on Friday, and then Saturday grocery shopping goes much smoother.


    Saturday 13th of August 2011

    Oh yes! I like to plan it a few days before I go shopping so that I can have some time to remember things.


    Saturday 13th of August 2011

    I'm so glad I wasn't the only one who took yesterday "off". :)! Looks like you had a great time!

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