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I need some money!

On Tuesdays and Thursdays, I post a photo and just a few words.

I was cleaning things out from under the living room couch the other day, and this gem turned up.

home loan application

Apparently, saying please is key to getting approved by this particular bank.

I really, really love it when my girls play things that involve writing…the notes they write are always so funny.

(This one from last year still makes me laugh.)

(I just found this one too…oh, geez. I’m glad I take pictures of these things before I recycle them.)


P.S. Lisey and I baked up an old favorite together.


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    Friday 18th of October 2013

    I love finding pieces of paper with notes and artwork on by the kids. Gives you an insight into their minds that you may not see otherwise.

    Liz @ Economies of Kale

    Thursday 17th of October 2013

    That is very cute :)

    Hope :)

    Thursday 17th of October 2013

    Haha!! You know, that's a negotiating tactic I haven't tried yet -- writing the bank a little note explaining what I need and saying "Please" several times. :) Your girls just might be on to something here! Thanks for giving me a giggle this morning. :)

    Sarah Walker

    Thursday 17th of October 2013

    Did Congress write that note?? :D


    Thursday 17th of October 2013

    Somehow I think if you gave a note to a real bank teller that said "Give me some money please!" it wouldn't go over so well. :-P

    I never saw the Tokyo one. I needed that laugh today. :)

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