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Iced? Nah.

On Tuesdays and Thursdays, I post a picture and just a few words.

steam from a mug of tea

Most summers, a hot mug of tea is the last thing I’d want to drink. But oddly enough, this summer we’ve had quite a few cool mornings where I’m not at all tempted to ice my tea.

(I’m not a huge fan of hot weather, so this is pretty fabulous in my book.)

I almost feel like I’ve been magically transported to a cooler area without even having to move.   Which is great right now, but if this keeps up and we have a super-cold winter, I might start singing the blues.   😉

And I’ll be drinking even more hot tea.


P.S. At the end of today, I think I will only have three things left on my last-week-of-summer to do list.

P.P.S. Yes, the photo book is one of those three things.   HOW DID YOU KNOW.

P.P.P.S. I forgot to share Joshua’s photo with you earlier this week.   And it’s quite a lovely one (can I say that even though I’m his mom??), so I’d hate for you to miss it.

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    Saturday 30th of August 2014

    It's been the same here, though I can drink iced anytime most mornings I opt for hot. I'm partial to Lady Grey, Earl Grey, Prince of Wales, and Japanese green tea. What are your favorites?


    Saturday 30th of August 2014

    Chai all the way! It's my very favorite. With cream and sugar.

    Laura Jewell

    Friday 29th of August 2014

    I am English and we know, that a cup of hot tea cools you down on the hottest of days......strange but very true!


    Thursday 28th of August 2014

    Fall is in the air in New Mexico also. I love tea any time and anyway. I always enjoy your photography, but yes, Joshua is becoming an awesome photographer! Thanks for sharing.


    Thursday 28th of August 2014

    Yep. A beautiful, non humid summer is almost unheard of in my area (DC), but that's exactly what we got this year. WONDERFUL. However, I'm a bit nervous about the winter.....hopefully it won't be too dreadful.


    Thursday 28th of August 2014

    I've been enjoying the cooler than normal weather here in MI this summer as well. Although I still take my tea iced :)

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