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I’m doing a freezer challenge this week!

My grocery budget has been a little overstretched so far this month, and my freezer could use a little decluttering.

Which means that it seems like the perfect time to take inventory and spend a week trying to use up some odds and ends.

Want to see what I’m starting with?

We have here:

  • chicken bones (I can make broth)
  • tomato paste (need to check for freezer burn!)
  • a bone-in chicken breast (I’ll probably use this in a stir-fry)
  • frozen grapes (smoothie)
  • two waffles (some kid will eat these!)
  • a package of ground beef (how about some burgers?)
  • a jar of tomato sauce (pizza, prob. or pasta.)
  • a jar of squash soup (I can defrost and eat this for lunch)
  • a package of corn tortillas (I usually keep these around to slice and fry up for taco salad toppings.)
  • a partial package of corn (I’m not sure if it’s freezer burnt…need to check that!)
  • some shrimp (This will be easy…lots of things to do with shrimp.)
  • half a pork loin (I can’t even remember why I bought this and used half. I’ll google for ideas.)
  • two burgers (homemade, ready to cook)

And I have my Hungry Harvest delivery to work with as well.

Hungry Harvest

I am not at ALL a strict freezer challenge sort of person, so I give myself permission to buy fresh, not-from-my-freezer foods if they’ll help me to use up my freezer stash in a tasty way.

(I’m not doing this because I enjoy suffering, k?)

I have a fair number of proteins in my freezer (pork, chicken, shrimp, ground beef), so I think I should be able to come up with some decent dinners from those.

Wish me luck!

And hey, if your freezer needs a clean-out too, hop aboard the train with me. The more, the merrier.

(I’m not going to flood the blog with freezer challenge stuff aside from an update on Friday, but I’m sure I’ll be posting about it over on Instagram. Which, incidentally, is the social media platform I’m on most often. Come join me there! I’m @thefrugalgirl there. And everywhere. 😉 )Save

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    LIZ (Eight Acres)

    Thursday 19th of October 2017

    Gah! I'm scared to look in my freezer! So many odd bits leftover...

    Liz Ludchak

    Tuesday 17th of October 2017

    Ever theought about doing this purge every month? We are on a limited budget so the last week of the month we are eating whatever is left in the freezer. It is a lit of "mystery meals" but we never end up with much freezer burn or strange looking items. I do stick up in the pantry though, in case the weather keeps us indoors or I find a really good sale. Something to think about!


    Tuesday 17th of October 2017

    I probably should do that!

    Veneta @ Becoming Life Smart

    Tuesday 17th of October 2017

    Good idea! I need to dig through both of my freezers this weekend and see what I have hiding in there. I should probably do a freezer/pantry challenge as my pantry is also overflowing.

    I look forward to your update and what you came up with. That's always the hardest part for me since I tend to cook the same stuff over and over. I need some creative inspiration!

    Jessica S

    Tuesday 17th of October 2017

    Question for you regarding the Hungry Harvest Boxes.. Last weeks and this weeks photos - is that all you got for $25? The photos see rather sparse and I wonder if you feel that you are getting your moneys worth of produce... or if part of the value is knowing you are aiding in non waste? I realize this is one of those *Your Mileage May Vary* incidents... I know local to me I have quite a few places that I could get great priced produce and get a larger quantity for that price...


    Tuesday 17th of October 2017

    Oh yes, I could likely beat Hungry Harvest's prices by shopping at Aldi.

    The thing about Hungry Harvest, though, is that I'm saving food from the landfill, supporting a movement the fights food waste, AND supporting hungry people (Hungry Harvest donates produce to families in need). So, all of that makes it totally worth it to me!

    Jessica S

    Tuesday 17th of October 2017

    I feel like I have been spending $$$ like flowing water.. so my goal is NO shopping! Monday night was chicken veggie Lo Mein since I had fresh carrot and broccoli to use.. it used a bag of frozen diced chicken... This evening I am leaning towards using the bag of Tyson chicken tenders and serving them with oven roasted tiny taters!

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