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I’m giving away a box of my favorite summer things (Travelwee included!)

This giveaway is now closed.   Congrats to Beth Ann, the winner of the summer box!

Hello, dear readers!

Normally I don’t write a post on Memorial Day, since most of you Americans are busy having a holiday weekend.

But, to kick off summer this year, I’m participating in a multi-blogger giveaway, where we each are giving away a box of some summery goodies.

Below is an image of all the giveaways, plus links to enter each giveaway.
favorite summer things giveaway


1. Thriving Home // 2. Happy Money Saver // 3. Happy Home Fairy // 4. Heavenly Homemakers // 5. Kitchen Stewardship // 6. Nourishing Joy // 7. The Nourishing Home // 8. Intoxicated on Life // 9. Tried and Tasty // 10. The Frugal Girl //11. Mommy Hates Cooking // 12. Stephanie Blue


    • Check out the giveaway collage featuring all the beautiful bloggers we’ve partnered up with and their favorite summer things things.
    • Scroll on down to see the details for MY favorite summer things.
    • Enter to win in my giveaway below.
    • HOP to all the other sites and enter to win their favorite summer things!
    • Look around and enjoy the sites of these bloggers.

my giveaway

Here’s what you’ll get if you win my box:

favorite summer things

  • We love our Strawesome straws, so I’ve included a beautiful blue glass smoothie straw. It’s got a slight bend in it, which we love because that helps prevent these straws from rolling off the counter onto the floor. 😉 A straw cleaning brush is included.
  • On the food front, a box of my favorite chai, and a box of Aldi fruit strips, which we love (and which are 100% fruit)
  • a white Chalk Ink marker (so much easier to use than chalk! Read more here.)
  • A soy candle from Epantry (plus an all-natural lip balm from Epantry)
  • Some summery products from Third Day Naturals (soap, sugar scrub, natural bug spray, and lip balm)
  • A BBQ cookbook
  • A Travelwee! Lisey made one especially for the giveaway, because we thought one of you might like to take a Travelwee with you on your summer adventures.   The travelwee will come in a little Altoid tin, ready for, well, travel.   😉


Since I don’t love using Rafflecopter when I enter giveaways, I’m keeping it simple!

To enter my giveaway, just leave a comment on this post telling me your favorite thing about summer.

And after you enter, don’t forget to go throw your name in the hat for all the other summery giveaways!


NO PURCHASE NECESSARY.   Void where prohibited.   One entry per person, please.   Odds of winning depend upon the number of entrants.   Some companies furnished prizes for this giveaway; others were purchased by me.   This post is not sponsored.

more about the bloggers

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Thriving Home

Friends and stay-at-home moms, Rachel and Polly, began Thriving Home in 2012 as a way to encourage and equip moms in several areas of home life. They share healthy kid-friendly recipes, evangelize about freezer cooking as well as documenting many other topics relating to running a home and family including a few spectacular parenting failures from time to time. Swing by to join in on their crazy journey through parenthood.


Tried and Tasty is a premium and well established recipe blog with a friendly, conversational writing style paired with magazine quality food photography. The recipes are typically very health conscious, with rich and decadent desserts occasionally included for good measure. has a loyal following of ‘foodies’ and is gaining new followers every day thanks to its recipes being featured on the websites of high profile magazines, news outlets, popular Facebook pages, Pinterest boards, and more.

logoHeavenly Homemakers

Laura Coppinger and her husband have four sons ages 10-17. is dedicated to inspiring women daily with healthy (and easy!) recipes, homemaking tips, spiritual encouragement, and good ol’ clean fun.

logoMommy Hates Cooking

Mommy Hates Cooking is a national cooking and lifestyle website that encourages families to take back the dinner table. Through her easy-to-prepare (yet looks like you spent all day in the kitchen) meals and her knack for breaking down meal planning, Kristy has become the busy-mom’s resource for the modern family.

Kitchen Stewardship Chalkboard Logo - BlackKitchen Stewardship

The mission of Kitchen Stewardship is to present healthy living in bite-sized baby steps, challenging people to make positive changes in their kitchens without being overwhelmed, and providing tools to balance a family’s health, budget, time and the environment. Katie Kimball and her team share family-friendly whole foods recipes, weekly challenges, and science-geek research on what’s healthy and what’s not.

logoNourishing Joy

Nourishing Joy is dedicated to real food and natural living. We’re on a mission to equip and inspire parents like you with the tools to make intentional, thoughtful decisions that work for YOUR family easy. Or at least easier.

happyhomefairy facebook pageHappy Home Fairy

Julie Brasington is the creator of Happy Home Fairy, a popular blog focusing on encouraging and equipping moms to choose joy on the parenting journey. She shares easy craft ideas, FREE printables, simple recipes, corny jokes, holiday fun, thoughts on raising her 2 boys, and honest, heartfelt messages to uplift the weary mama. bbb

Happy Money Saver

Happy Money Saver is a website that has a growing population of readers who are passionate about saving money, homesteading, gardening, cooking from scratch, freezer meals, DIY projects and embracing their dreams.

logo3Stephanie Blue

At Stephanie Blue, I blog about my passions: natural living and essential oils. My purpose is to bring hope to moms and help them discover ways to strengthen their families physically, emotionally, spiritually, and financially.

frugal girlThe Frugal Girl

The Frugal Girl is all about living cheerfully (and well!) on less. Get recipes, DIY tips, painting ideas, photography tips, green living inspiration, and more from Kristen, a homeschooling mom of four.

IOL_Header_Design_no_taglineIntoxicated on Life

Intoxicated on Life is a resource for families who are looking to raise healthy families – body, mind, and soul. They cover a wide range of topics from healthy gluten-free recipes, to godly parenting, homeschooling resources, and more!

TNH Grab buttonThe Nourishing Home

The Nourishing Home provides family-friendly GF recipes, free weekly whole food meal plans, helpful cooking tips and techniques, and lots of encouragement to help you in your journey to live a more nourished life.

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