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I’m not doing a Q&A post this morning.

Everything is fine…I’m just a little behind schedule and am going to spend my morning hanging out with the family. I might be back later today with a regular post…it’ll just depend on how my day goes. 🙂

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    Condo Blues

    Monday 23rd of August 2010

    I understand completely my party girl ways got in the way of blogging too. I spent Sunday at my in-laws eating birthday cake and celebrating the family's summer birthdays. Today I got wild and crazy because The Day of Chocolate Cake put me behind schedule. Today was laundry and cleaning the bathrooms - whoo!

    I'm not complaining because we got to eat cake twice after lunch and dinner :)


    Monday 23rd of August 2010

    So glad that you took some time off to spend the day with your family! My husband has a similar schedule to yours, where our "weekend" is really Sunday, Monday. So I can totally relate when it comes to taking Mondays off and spending them with the family! I hope you enjoyed Toy Story husband and I took our 3 month old to my in laws 20 miles away a few weeks back with the intentions of going to the movie while they babysat, but when we got to the theatre they informed us that it wasn't showing til the NEXT day...ugh! Then our town got hit with flooding the next day, our basement included, so we never did get to it! I guess we'll just be renting it! Enjoy the rest of your "weekend" ;)


    Monday 23rd of August 2010

    Might I suggest writing posts ahead of time :)


    Monday 23rd of August 2010

    That is indeed a fabulous idea, and I'm totally on board with it. Sometimes, I do manage to get some written ahead of time, and that's why I rarely miss a day of posting (I usually have something waiting in the wings to pull out on a busy day).

    Ideally, I'd love to have a week or two worth of posts sitting in my dashboard at all times, but alas, that never happens. I just can't seem to get ahead by more than a few days, and when I do, something usually comes up and I'm back to square one again.


    Monday 23rd of August 2010

    Thanks, everyone! We headed out this morning to see Toy Story's the first time we've been to a movie theater in over a year, and Mr. FG had promised the kids we'd go see it. :)


    Monday 23rd of August 2010

    Good for you, Kristen. Enjoy the day--I hope it's a beautiful outside for you and the kids! :-)

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