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I’m running a little late today.

And since Tuesday is the day I start teaching piano at 8:00 am, I don’t have much leeway in my schedule.

So, here are some pictures of our Easter egg hunt. 😉 It got a little bit dark while the kids were hiding eggs, so these pictures aren’t my most fabulous ever. But I feel very strongly that not-so-great pictures are infinitely better than no doesn’t have to be perfect and all that.

My parents came over after church, and they helped Mr. FG and me stuff the eggs and hide them. To make things fair, each kid’s eggs are hidden in a separate room of the house. This way, Joshua doesn’t find all of the eggs that are at Zoe’s searching level.

Having heard tales of how Grandpa used to hide Easter candy (in very hard places), they all wanted him to hide their candy. Except for Zoe, I think. She’s not so into egg-finding as a hard task.

Mr. FG and my dad teamed up to hide Joshua’s eggs, and they did manage to stump him pretty well.

A messy closet is a fabulous place to hide eggs.

(note to self: put “clean and organize the girls’ closet” on the summer to-do list)

My mom hid Sonia’s eggs in the living room, and she even managed to fit on inside Sonia’s stuffed turtle, Frederickson (He didn’t come with that name. Sonia bestowed that moniker upon him!).

Sonia’s expression in this picture is making me giggle. Clearly, she was having some trouble figuring out where some of her eggs were hiding.

Happily, no one got upset about their eggs being too hard to find.

And I really think that my parents and Mr. FG and I had just as much fun as the kids did.

We also played some games with my parents (Chinese Checkers, Pegity, and Connect Four).

Plus my dad played Old Maid with the kids at Zoe’s request (he played it with her when they stayed at my parents’ house the last time, and she’s kept on talking about how much fun it was!).

I’d share some pictures of our game time, but I don’t have any…I was too busy getting creamed at Pegity by my mom. And my parents both beat me at Chinese Checkers, which was good for my growth in humility because I’m quite accustomed to winning at that game (I usually beat Mr. FG and Joshua.). 😉

So, our day was nothing fancy or complicated, but I really enjoyed it and I think my parents did too. Yay for simple fun!

And now I am off to get ready for my day of teaching. Have a lovely Tuesday!

Today’s 365 post: The good thing about letting your dryer get messy…

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    Wednesday 27th of April 2011

    They are adorable. Mine had a great time too. Enjoy your day.


    Tuesday 26th of April 2011

    Just learn from my family's fail: Do NOT hide real eggs. A candy filled plastic egg that you find next Christmas is a nice surprise. A growing stench that you find a while after Easter is not so nice.


    Tuesday 26th of April 2011

    So sweet! We are looking forward to doing this next year when the kiddo is a bit older.


    Tuesday 26th of April 2011

    I took my granddaughter to her local Easter Egg hunt and they had the field divided for the age groups. She just turned 3 and was in the 3 to 4 group. She gathered her eggs all by herself and filled her basket, but when she opened them there was nothing inside. The organizers explained that they were afraid candy would be a choking hazard for the little ones, so they left them empty. Even a three year old knows you are supposed to get candy! My grandaughter insisted on putting a piece of candy from her Easter basket into each egg when she got home.

    Gaylynn Mortensen

    Tuesday 26th of April 2011

    Our Easter Bunny Labels the eggs. You can only pick up an egg with your name on it. If you clue someone else into where their eggs might be, then you have to give an egg to mom and dad. Our kids are very good at keeping quiet;-)

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