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In praise of the minivan

In Praise of the Minivan

The minivan isn’t known for its sporty good looks.

Or as a status symbol.

And it’s not a vehicle that car enthusiasts lust over.

But man, there’s just nothing else that meets quite so happily at the intersection of practical and frugal for families that have more than three children.

Here’s why I dearly love my van.

(My van = a Toyota Sienna that is a few years old.)

It can fit eight people.

There are only six of us, but we frequently use our extra seats to take friends along with us.

Sienna fits 8 people

And when Mr. FG isn’t with us, I can bring my 4 kids plus me plus 3 friends, which is awesome.

Sliding doors are EPIC.

You know how children are sort of accident-prone?   And how spatial awareness is perhaps not their strong suit?

sliding doors on vans are awesome

That’s why sliding doors are so fabulous.   There is no possible way that children can open the sliding doors and hit the car parked next to me.

There’s so much cargo room.

My van has 39.1 square feet of cargo space behind the third row of seats, which is actually almost exactly the same or more as a large SUV.

(For instance, the Suburban has 39.3 square feet of rear cargo space and the Expedition has 18.6.)

cargo room in Sienna

(Let’s ignore the fact that my van needs to be vacuumed, shall we?)

We can pack for a week at the beach, complete with a canopy, beach chairs, beach toys, and other luggage, and our things still only come about halfway up the back seat.

And we can fit all kinds of music gear in when we head to church (guitars, a bass, an amp, a speaker cabinet….)

So excellent.

The cargo well keeps things from falling out.

Why is the well awesome? Because you can pack it full of stuff and when you open the rear gate, nothing in the well falls out.

This is pretty stinking fabulous for groceries.

deep well in Sienna

SUVs and older vans tend not to have recessed storage (my 2000 Sienna did not), but most newer minivans do, because they’re designed to let the seats fold down into the floor.

We rarely have our seats folded down (we fill them with people!), so our rear well is almost always available for storage.

The price is good.

No vehicle that carries my family is going to be super cheap, of course.   Once you have more than three kids, sedans and mid-sized SUVS are too small, so you have to choose either between a van or a large SUV.

(A Highlander or something similar wouldn’t hold all of us!)

An SUV large enough to accommodate us starts at $40-$50K, while a minivan like the Sienna starts at $27K, and that’s an enormous price difference.

why i Iove my minivan

There are variations in the used market (you could buy a used SUV for less than a new minivan, I’m sure!), but when you compare apples to apples, minivans are by far the least expensive option for my family size.



Minivans will probably never be super cool, but they are marvelously practical.

And thus, I love mine to pieces.


P.S. For families that need to drive in snow, or off-road, or who need the horsepower to pull trailers, I can totally see why an SUV makes sense.   But since I don’t need to do any of that, a minivan is where its at for me.

P.P.S. The fabulousness of minivans does vary. I had to use a rental Town and Country a few years back, and it was not nearly as nice as my Sienna (poorer performance, less cargo space, less comfy seats, etc.)   So, my enthusiasm for the minivan is based on my experience with Siennas, not with other minivans.

P.P.P.S. Mr. FG has a small stick-shift car that he drives most of the time.   But he totally does not mind driving the van when we go somewhere as a family, or to work if his car is in the shop.

And when friends or co-workers give him grief or tell him they could never drive a van because it’s not manly enough, he just says, “Hey, I have a wife and four kids.   What could be more manly than that? ;)”

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    Friday 8th of April 2016

    Kristen, my husband and I recently had our third child and we are in the market for a used Sienna! Which edition do you have or recommend?


    Friday 8th of April 2016

    I had a 2000 and I now have a 2013. I'd definitely recommend getting a new-ish version that has the fold-down seats in the back. So convenient, and when the seats are upright, you have a HUGE storage well in the back, which is excellent for vacations and grocery shopping and really just hauling anything. That's probably my most favorite improvement when I compare my old Sienna to my newer one.

    I'm not sure what year they added the folding rear seats, but it was sometime after they made my 2000.


    Sunday 31st of May 2015

    We love our minivan! I only have three kids, but it's still so worth it. My original plan was to try to get 3 car seats into our Toyota Matrix and I look back at that plan now and cringe. Having all three kids that close together sounds HARD. And all of the nice things that the minivan comes with makes me sad for the day I'll have to drive anything else.

    Russ and Jess

    Tuesday 19th of May 2015

    Out of curiosity were you able to test drive the Honda Odyssey? If so what made you choose the Toyota?


    Wednesday 20th of May 2015

    Had I driven the Sienna and felt uncomfortable with it, I'd have driven the Odyssey. But, at least at the time when I bought my van, the Odyssey was more expensive, so I felt like since I was satisfied with the less expensive option, I'd rather not drive the pricier option!

    (I'm a satisficer on the maximizer/satisficer spectrum, which means I don't feel the need to try all the options if I've found something I like. But of course, not everyone is like that! Some people love to try out ALL the options before deciding.)

    I think Odysseys and Siennas are very, very comparable and that both are really great choices as far as vans go.

    Kiki @ Choosing to Cherish

    Monday 11th of May 2015

    So agree with you. We love our van too. We bought a used one, 5 years old, which cost 1/2 price of the new. Ours come with buttons for us to open and close the doors with one click. Super fabulous! Recently, we have been using it instead of using tent for camping: :)


    Friday 8th of May 2015

    Minivans are awesome, I totally want one. I do not have one- instead I fit two car seats in the back of my 2001 VW Golf. I can actually squeeze a booster in between them when needed as well. A minivan would be way more convenient and fun but it would also come with a car payment. I call my car the mini-minivan. Fitting more car seats depends a lot on the car seats in question- the car seat lady dot com has a lot of information on this, for folks who can't size up to a minivan. You might need to spend a little more on very narrow car seats, but that is going to be a lot cheaper than $25K for a new vehicle. On the other hand, hey, if you've got the money, go for it.

    I have a theory that if you strap a car seat into ANY car, it instantly becomes a minivan. You could be driving the sexiest BMW convertible with all-leather interior- doesn't matter. You stick a car seat in there, it is now a minivan. Same thing with diaper bags. I have friends who use gorgeous designer purses instead a diaper bags. But if it's got wet wipes and goldfish crackers spilling out, it's a diaper bag. Just embrace it!

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