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In serious need of some planning (and more stream of consciousness thoughts)

Brace yourself for some rambling!

I did a pretty good job of planning and prepping before our trip to Florida (If I do say so myself. Ha.), but ever since we got back, I really have not gotten myself into a good groove.

magic kingdom castle

(I promise I will tell you about our Disney trip soon!)

Zoe twirling

I really need to make a menu plan and do a decent grocery shopping trip instead of being quite so haphazard.   I mean, I’ve been cooking dinner, but because I don’t have a good plan in place, I’m spending way too much time figuring out what I’m going to make.

Must. Fix. This.

Vacations are really great, but (first world problem alert!!!!) I always feel like I’m playing serious catch-up when I come home.   I think next time we go away, I’m going to make more of an effort to have some post-vacation items already planned (like menus and music for church).


I haven’t started on the My Publisher book I mentioned the other day. I’m thinking maybe I will do a book with our Florida trip pictures because that would be pretty fast and easy.

girls jumping in waves

I have a shockingly small number of photos, though (for me!), because I didn’t carry my camera a lot of the time.

I did have my iPhone with me, though, so this book will be a mixture of iPhone and SLR photos.


The girls all finished their math before our FL trip, so the only math I have to deal with now is Joshua’s geometry.   And he’s down to the last ten lessons (oh, thank heavens!!), which means the end is in sight.

The girls just have to finish up their science and history, which is fine with me because I like history and science a lot more than math.

(Except when science involves a bunch of math.)


This picture makes me laugh.


The height difference between Joshua and our friends’ little two year old is pretty significant. 😉

I think it’s cute that she likes to hang out with him, and I also think it’s quite lovely that Joshua is good with her.   A lot of 14 year old guys are too cool for small children and I’m glad Joshua’s not that way.


I’m working on a 2014 summer bucket list, and I’ll share it with you guys once it’s done.

I’m not really a fan of super hot weather, but I AM SO EXCITED FOR SUMMER because of the free time it gives me.

Even though I can see the academic advantages, I will never be one of those homeschoolers who keeps it up through the summer.

N E V E R.

I would keel over from homeschooling burnout if I didn’t have those glorious three months off.


Lisey and Zoe and I got our hair cut yesterday ($40 total for all three of us, which is pretty good, I think!).   Joshua and Sonia are due for haircuts too, but I can do those haircuts myself.

(Here’s how I cut Sonia’s hair.)


Lisey and Zoe’s hair is so thick, I’m not up to the challenge.   But Sonia has a less full head of hair, so it’s a quick and easy job to give her a trim.

Cutting my girls’ hair doesn’t save me a ton of money because they need haircuts so infrequently.   Joshua wants a haircut about every four weeks, though, so I’m really glad I can cut his.

Monthly haircuts add up way faster than yearly ones!


Mr. FG’s car needs new front and rear brake pads.


This is not an unexpected expense, though.   Cars always require maintenance and repair…the question is just one of timing.

And that’s why we have a dedicated auto maintenance/repair savings account that we contribute to every month.   That way we’ve got the money available when things like this pop up.

(For those of you that are new to these parts, here’s how we use our targeted savings accounts to manage slightly unpredictable expenses.)

Ok.   That’s probably more than enough brain dump for one day!

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    Thursday 22nd of May 2014

    My husband just gave my daughter a mullet. Right when her hair was finally long enough on the sides to de-mullet. :( He didn't realize you don't cut the sides first like you do with our son's.


    Thursday 22nd of May 2014

    So looking forward to your Disneyland write up. Pre-kids we visited Florida,but we haven't taken the Kids to Disneyworld in the US. Although we've been to EuroDisney a few times. A magical experience for adults and kids. Just want to also give a huge thank you and shout out to 'Give Kids The World' (non-profit) that accommodates/hosts children with life-threatening illnesses at Disney. My Goddaughter recently had the opportunity to visit Disneyworld because of them.

    With you on taking a break in the Summer. Kids learn so much during their 'free' time. Books and schooling are so important, but so is unstructured learning and discovery. And boy, by Summer, don't we all need a little downtime!


    Thursday 22nd of May 2014

    Agreed Jo! My daughter selected her wish as Disney and it turned me into a lifelong Disney fan, something I was not prior to. We went when she was three years old. She has a condition called short gut syndrome. Give Kids The World actually brings in characters from Disney such as Mickey and Minnie because some children are so ill they cannot actually leave the resort. Give Kids The World is a truly magical place. There is a life sized Candy Land, a 24 hour ice cream bar, pizza delivered right to your door and a different themed activity every night. Santa vists one night, Halloween the next night, etc.

    Disney bent over backwards for us. We had tickets for all the Disney theme parks. We were granted immediate access to all characters and rides. My daughter was non verbal at the time and my husband and I still burst into tears when we recall when she met Minnie. She let out a squeal and Minnie held her tight. There is true magic to be had there and it really healed us as a family.


    Wednesday 21st of May 2014

    I just recently got back from vacation too. My vacation was very relaxing, but I haven't gotten back into the swing of meal planning and grocery shopping yet. I did finally make a plan and a list, but the last couple evenings have been so busy I haven't had time to go to the grocery store. So we have been making do with food from the freezer and pantry plus the few perishables we picked up on the way home. At least it is helping me clean out the freezer a bit.

    Gladys (The Pinay Mom)

    Wednesday 21st of May 2014

    The first time we took our girls to the beach, I couldn't help myself not to take lots of pictures. Life in the Midwest, I guess.

    Casey Kelley

    Wednesday 21st of May 2014

    I can't wait to hear about the Disney trip. I'm starting to plan a trip for 7 kids and its overwhelming.


    Wednesday 21st of May 2014

    I felt the same way! But it is not as overwhelming once you get there, I think.

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