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It’s been a week. But I do have a colorful Snoopy.

This has been a long week for a variety of reasons, and not really my best week of cooking.

The combo of just getting back from a trip (with no menu plan in hand) and then getting sick right away has made things a little wonky on the food front!

I did feel improved by the time our cat rescue shift came around late this week, though. Whew.

Zoe and a shelter cat

And my youngest nieces and nephews brought over a very colorful Snoopy for me, which certainly brightened my week.


What I Spent

I spent $82 at the grocery store, which was fine.

And then….

I spent $153 at Costco.


But I did buy two containers of unscented laundry detergent, a big container of sulfate-free organic shampoo, and a bunch of other food items that will last for quite some time.

February Spending

Week 1: $99.50

Week 2:(the week I was gone skiing) $160

Week 3: $235

What We Ate


Mr. FG and I went out for a date night and the girls ate mac and cheese.


This was a very random night…I wasn’t hungry because of being sick, Lisey had eaten elsewhere, Zoe ate a grilled cheese, and Mr. FG and Sonia got some sushi.


This is the day I made a Costco run, and since I was still fighting my cold, I pressed the easy button and got a rotisserie chicken and some sides from Costco.

Cheaper than takeout, and probably more protein too.


This was Zoe’s official birthday.

She turned 14, and she had a friend over for pizza, and then we went out to one of those frozen yogurt places where you add your own toppings.


I made chipotle chicken tacos, and we had some fruit with those.


I made chocolate chip waffles and bacon. And we had OJ and mandarin oranges.

Not a super healthy night, but at least I did not get takeout!

crispy bacon


Zoe’s having a birthday sleepover tonight (since you can’t do that on a Tuesday night during the school year.)

We’re having pulled chicken sandwiches, jello, chips, and a homemade ice cream cake for dessert.

homemade ice cream crunch cake

What did you eat this week?

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    Saturday 22nd of February 2020

    Well, this week was super easy cooking-wise :) Most meals in and party leftovers . . .

    Saturday last -- Frozen pizza, dolled up, with salad on side ( i think) Sunday -- Attended surprised party for friend and her husband OUTDID himself -- salmon, shrimp, chicken, and several Persian stews. Plus appetizers. I made a big salad and left it there -- they sent us home with So. Much. Food - enough for next 3 nights for both of us (and more!) Monday -- Leftover chicken and salmon, rice and dolmas from party. And fabulous stew Tuesday -- Leftover chicken, rice, dolmas, stew, steamed broccoli ( I think) Wednesday -- Yup, Leftover chicken, cranberry sauce, rice, dolma, salad. Thursday-- Had to toss the last of the chicken for safety reasons so we made frozen pizza, bag o'salad. Had to work late so this was a quickie Friday -- Date night -- brought in favorite Mexican for $23.00. Drank marked down Blue Moon.

    Now I have to cook this week! Hope you are feeling better!


    Saturday 22nd of February 2020

    Oh, and I was putting some of the chicken in my salad for lunch at work every day -- it was the never-ending Persian poultry party thanks to our wonderful friends

    MB in MN

    Saturday 22nd of February 2020

    I am new-ish to this blog and am finding it so entertaining to read what people eat! The past week has been a blur but I do remember what I had last night (wild rice soup) and what I plan to have tonight (veggie lasagna).


    Friday 21st of February 2020

    I keep meaning to make that ice cream cake of yours...Here's what we ate: Monday - Grilled Soyaki Chicken, kale with kimchi and shallots Tuesday - Italian Stuffed Peppers, mashed garlic potatoes Wednesday - Mexican Tilapia, summer squash Thursday - Deli Turkey in sweet potato wraps (lettuce, tomato, avocado), Cabo Chips Friday - (freezer) Black Bean Chili from last week Saturday - OUT Sunday - Salmon "Burgers", Brussels sprouts, veggie crisper clean-out Also, I was telling Hubby that I will scout all of our receipts for BOGO eats out, and already I found one for a Chinese place I like! Coupons = more eat out on the weekend, which is something I look forward to!


    Friday 21st of February 2020

    Saturday - don’t remember Sunday - beef stroganoff Monday- beef stroganoff Tuesday- beef stroganoff (good thing it was finished because we were getting tired of it) Wednesday- stewed tomatoes and toast. Hubs had cereal Thursday - are at my daughter’s house Friday - baked potato

    I try to split my leftovers and freeze those things that freeze well so we have more variety but some things like beef stroganoff don’t freeze well so we just suck it up and keep eating until it’s gone.

    I’m really trying to rein back on my cooking ambitions and stick to basics most of the time so that I don’t buy ingredients and then not use them. Since I’m also trying to eat down the freezer and pantry, I’m trying new recipes that make use of what I have on hand.

    Betta from daVille

    Friday 21st of February 2020

    Saturday night: Middle Eastern Mezze dinner party: fried eggplant with honey and rosemary; hummus; spicy feta dip; olives, crudité, almonds; dolmades. Main was Moroccan lamb/beef tagine; bulghur and chickpea salad with fresh herbs; sauteéd shrimp with garlic and cilantro; artichokes with preserved lemons and capers, radish and orange salad. Sunday night: salmon roasted with za'atar; leftover sides Monday night: grilled skirt steak with chimichurri; grilled broccoli; grilled "baked" potato Tuesday night: no comment Wednesday night: leftover pizza and salad Thursday night: tunafish sandwich on the road Friday night: tomato soup and grilled cheese

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